نتایج جستجو

Advanced General Relativity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
John Stewart, 1991
Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus with Applications
Berchie Holliday, Gilbert J. Cuevas, Melissa S. McClure, 2004
Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers I: Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Theory
Carl M. Bender, Steven A. Orszag (auth.), 1999
Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Modeling
Barry C. Arnold (auth.), Roberto Minguez, Jose-Maria Sarabia, N. Balakrishnan, Barry C. Arnold (eds.), 2008
Algebra I: Basic Notions of Algebra (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
Igor R. Shafarevich, Aleksej I. Kostrikin, M. Reid, 1990
Algebra IX: Finite Groups of Lie Type. Finite-Dimensional Division Algebras (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
A.I. Kostrikin, I.R. Shafarevich (editors), 2001
Mathematical Elasticity, Vol III, Theory of Shells
Philippe G. Ciarlet, 2000
Advanced Mathematical And Computational Tools in Metrology VII (Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences)
P. Ciarlini, E Filipe, A B Forbes, F Pavese, C Perruchet, B R L Siebert, 2006
Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology
D.S. Jones, B.D. Sleeman, 2003
Discrete Mathematics: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
Susanna S. Epp, 2011
Coleção Mathematical Ramblings - Exercício - expressão para interferência construtiva
Antonio Vandré Pedrosa Furtunato Gomes, 2013
Coleção Mathematical Ramblings - Exercício - ondulatória - determinando interferência
Antonio Vandré Pedrosa Furtunato Gomes, 2013
Coleção Mathematical Ramblings - Exercício - razão entre os comprimentos de onda
Antonio Vandré Pedrosa Furtunato Gomes, 2013
Dr. Euler's fabulous formula: cures many mathematical ills
Paul J. Nahin, 2006
Math from Three to Seven: The Story of a Mathematical Circle for Preschoolers
Alexander Zvonkin, 2011
The moment of proof: mathematical epiphanies
Donald C. Benson, 1999
Fuzzy neural intelligent systems: mathematical foundation and the applications in engineering
Hongxing Li, C.L. Philip Chen, Han-Pang Huang, 2001
Game Theory and Applications: Game-theoretic Models in Mathematical Ecology
Vladimir Mazalov, Dmitry Novikov, Guennady Ougolnitsky, Leon Petrosjan, 2015
A First Course in Topology: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking
Robert A Conover, 2014
A Mathematical Theory of Communication
C.E. Shannon
A Mathematical Theory of Communication
Shannon C. E., 1948