نتایج جستجو

Neural networks and qualitative physics: a viability approach
Jean Pierre Aubin, 1996
Set-Valued Analysis
Jean-Pierre Aubin, 2008
Elements of Quantum Optics
Professor Dr. Dr. Rer. Nat. Habil. Pierre Meystre, 1991
Elements of Quantum Optics
Pierre Meystre, 2007
The Right(s) to Water: The Multi-Level Governance of a Unique Human Right
Pierre Thielbörger (auth.), 2014
DAFX:Digital Audio Effects
Udo Zölzer Xavier Amatriain Daniel Arfib Jordi Bonada Giovanni De Poli Pierre Dutilleux Gianpaolo, 2002
Local fields
Jean-Pierre Serre, 1979
European cinemas, European societies, 1939-1990
Pierre Sorlin, 1991
Diffraction by an Immersed Elastic Wedge
Jean-Pierre Croisille, 1999
Diffraction by an Immersed Elastic Wedge
Jean-Pierre Croisille, 1999
Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pierre-Marie Robitaille, 2006
Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pierre-Marie Robitaille, 2006
Pierre Simon Laplace, 1967
Some Random Series of Functions
Jean-Pierre Kahane, 1994
Nitride Semiconductors: Handbook on Materials and Devices
Pierre Ruterana, 2003
Equilibrium Theory for Cournot Oligopolies and Related Games: Essays in Honour of Koji Okuguchi
Pierre von Mouche, 2016
Atlas of Challenges and Opportunities in European Neighbourhoods
Pierre Beckouche, 2016
Charles Monnard: L'éthique de la responsabilité
Pierre Bessard, 2014
Omerta sur la viande: document
Pierre Hinard, 2014
Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy and Science: Atomism for Empiricists
Saul Fisher, 2005
The German Revolution 1917-1923
Pierre Broue, 2004