نتایج جستجو

Scientific Visualization The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, 2005
Scientific Visualization: The visual extraction of knowledge from data
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, 2005
Scientific Visualization: The Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data (Mathematics and Visualization)
Georges-Pierre Bonneau, 2005
Pierre Grangeat, 2009
Pierre Grangeat, 2009
Pierre Bourdieu : key concepts
Michael Grenfell, 2008
Pierre Bourdieu: Key Concepts
Michael Grenfell (ed.), 2008
Pierre Ambrosi
Soils, Plants and Clay Minerals: Mineral and Biologic Interactions
Pierre Velde, 2010
Soils, Plants and Clay Minerals: Mineral and Biologic Interactions
Pierre Velde, 2010
The Paradox of Photography.
Pierre Taminiaux, 2009
The Paradox of Photography. (Faux Titre)
Pierre Taminiaux, 2009
Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics
Pierre Sagaut, 2008
Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics
Pierre Sagaut, 2008
Homogeneous Turbulence Dynamics
Pierre Sagaut, 2008
Multiscale And Multiresolution Approaches in Turbulence
Pierre Sagaut, 2006
Analysis, Geometry, and Modeling in Finance: Advanced Methods in Option Pricing
Pierre Henry-Labordère, 2008
Statics and Dynamics of Weakly Coupled Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 Ladders in a Magnetic Field
Pierre Bouillot (auth.), 2013
Entrepreneurs and Democracy: A Political Theory of Corporate Governance
Pierre-Yves Gomez, 2008
Le regard infini: Parcs, places et jardins publics de Quebec (French Edition)
Pierre Morency, 1999
La part du colibri : L'espèce humaine face à son devenir
Pierre Rabhi, 2011
Risk-based ship design: methods, tools and applications
Pierre C. Sames (auth.), 2009
Risk-Based Ship Design: Methods, Tools and Applications
Pierre C. Sames (auth.), 2009
Zeitgeschichte, Wissenschaft und Politik: Der „Historikerstreit“ — 20 Jahre danach
Marc-Pierre Moll Dr. phil. (auth.), 2008