نتایج جستجو

The Handbook of Health Behavior Change
Kristin A. Riekert, Judith K. Ockene, Lori Pbert, 2013
Desposesión : lo performativo en lo político
Judith Butler; Athena Athanasiou; Fernando Bogado, 2017
Planning with Complexity: An Introduction to Collaborative Rationality for Public Policy
Judith E. Innes, David E. Booher, 2010
Community As Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing
Elizabeth T. Anderson, Judith McFarlane, 2010
Delmar's NCLEX-PN Review
Judith C. Miller, 2010
Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters
Judith Halberstam, 1995
The syntax and semantics of complex nominals
Judith N. Levi, 1978
Historical Dictionary of European Imperialism
James S. Olson; Robert Shadle; Ross Marlay; William G. Ratliff; Joseph M. Rowe, Jr.; Judith E. Olson; J. Larry Murdock, 1991
Anthropological Practice: Fieldwork and the Ethnographic Method
Judith Okely, 2020
Fame and Infamy: Essays for Christopher Pelling on Characterization in Greek and Roman Biography and Historiography
Rhiannon Ash; Judith Mossman; Frances B. Titchener, 2015
Politics, Patronage and the Transmission of Knowledge in 13th-15th Century Tabriz
Judith Pfeiffer, 2014
The Voice as Something More: Essays Toward Materiality
Martha Feldman, Judith Zeitlin, 2019
Performing #MeToo: How Not to Look Away
Judith Rudakoff (editor), 2021
Windows into a revolution : ethnographies of Maoism in India and Nepal
Alpa Shah (editor); Judith Pettigrew (editor), 2018
Funktionen der Künste. Transformatorische Potentiale künstlerischer Praktiken
Birgit Eusterschulte, Christian Krüger,Judith Siegmund (Hg.), 2020
Trauma and recovery: the aftermath of violence; from domestic abuse to political terror
Judith Lewis Herman, 2015
Social Exclusion in European Cities: Processes, Experiences and Responses
Ali Madanipour, Goran Cars, Judith Allen, 1998
O clamor de Antígona
Judith Butler
Standing in Their Own Light: African American Patriots in the American Revolution
Judith L. Van Buskirk, 2017
Re-reading Derrida: Perspectives on Mourning and Its Hospitalities
Tony Thwaites (editor), Judith Seaboyer (editor), 2013
Critical Essays on Margaret Atwood
Judith McCombs, 1988
SBAs for the Final FRCA
Caroline Whymark, Ross Junkin, Judith Ramsey, 2019
A prática farmacêutica na manipulação de medicamentos
Judith E. Thompson; Lawrence W. Davidow;, 2013