نتایج جستجو

American Political Parties and Elections. A Very Short Introduction
L. Sandy Maisel, 2007
American Political Parties and Elections: A Very Short Introduction
L. Sandy Maisel, 2007
The 'American Exceptionalism' of Jay Lovestone and His Comrades, 1929-1940. Dissident Marxism in the United States: Volume 1
Paul Le Blanc and Tim Davenport (Eds.), 2015
American Indian Mythology
Evelyn Wolfson, William Sauts Bock, 2001
American Indian Mythology
Evelyn Wolfson, William Sauts Bock, 2001
'You Should See Yourself': Jewish Identity in Postmodern American Culture
Vincent Brook (editor), 2006
'Law Never Here'': A Social History of African American Responses to Issues of Crime and Justice
Frankie Y. Bailey, Alice P. Green, 1999
A Necessary Relationship: The Development of Anglo-American Cooperation in Naval Intelligence
Phyllis L. Soybel, 2005
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner?Martin(auth.), Alfred Bendixen, Richard Gray(eds.), 2012
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner-Martin, 2013
A History of American Literature: 1950 to the Present
Linda Wagner-Martin, 2013
A History of British Irish and American Literature
Hans-Peter Wagner, 2010
Case Studies in Project Management - Project Phoenix: Rebuilding an American Landmark
Anbari, Frank T. (Eds.), 2005
Concrete pipe design manual
American Concrete Pipe Association, 1970
Design Guide 6: Load and Resistance Factor Design of W-Shapes Encased in Concrete
American Institute of Steel Construction
Standard practice for direct design of buried precast concrete box sections
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000
Standard practice for direct design of buried precast concrete pipe using standard installations (SIDD)
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000
Standard practice for direct design of precast concrete box sections for jacking in trenchless construction
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001
Standard practice for direct design of precast concrete pipe for jacking in trenchless construction
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000
Structural design of interlocking concrete pavement for municipal streets and roadways
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010
Governance of the American Economy (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences)
John L. Campbell, J. Rogers Hollingsworth, Leon N. Lindberg, 1991
A colossal wreck : a road trip through political scandal, corruption, and American culture
Cockburn, Alexander, 2013