نتایج جستجو

Future R&D Environments (Compass series)
Committee on Future Environments for the National Institute of Standards, 2002
Vapour cloud development in over-filling incidents
Steel Construction Institute (Great Britain). Fire, 2013
Metric Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary
American Concrete Institute
Contact and Symplectic Geometry (Publications of the Newton Institute)
Charles Benedict Thomas, 1996
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Proceedings of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna, Volume 1
Alexander Batthyány (eds.), 2016
Mathematische Institute in Deutschland 1800–1945
Prof. Dr. Winfried Scharlau (auth.), 1990
Certified Forensic Consultant Body of Knowledge
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, 2015
Minimising Pollution at Air Intakes
Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, 1999
Software extension to the PMBOK guide
Project Management Institute, 2013
The Certified Criminal Investigator Body of Knowledge
Institute, American College of Forensic Examiners, 2016
The Certified Criminal Investigator Body of Knowledge
American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, 2015
Share This: the Social Media Handbook for PR Professionals
CIPR (Chartered Institute of Public Relations), 2012
Superalloys 2016: proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Superalloys ; sponsored by the Seven Springs International Symposium Committee in cooperation with the High Temperature Alloys Committee of the Structural Materials Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) and co-sponsored by ASM International and IOM³ (The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining); held September 11-15, 2016 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, USA
Mark C. Hardy, Eric S. Huron, Uwe Glatzel, Brian Griffin, Beth Lewis, Cathie Rae, Venkat Seetharaman, Sammy Tin, 2016
Aboriginal people travelling well: community report
Yvonne Helps; ; David Moodie; Gail Warman; Lowitja Institute; Flinders Aboriginal Health Research Unit, 2010
Software Trace and Log Analysis A Pattern Reference
Dmitry Vostokov, Software Diagnostics Institute, 2016
Archaeology for the People: Joukowsky Institute Perspectives
John Cherry, Felipe Rojas, 2015