نتایج جستجو

New Perspectives and Research on Malaysian History: Essays on Malaysian Historiography
Boon Kheng Cheah (editor), 2007
Grande dizionario della lingua italiana (Q-Ria)
Salvatore Battaglia (editor), 1990
Iran After the Mongols
Sussan Babaie (editor), 2019
The Vocabulary And Concepts Of Organic Chemistry
Roger S. Macomber, Allan R. Pinhas, R. Marshall Wilson, Milton Orchin (editor), 2005
Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aeschylus
Rebecca Futo Kennedy (editor), 2017
Textual Cultures of Medieval Italy
William Robins (editor), 2011
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music and Social Class
Ian Peddie (editor), 2020
Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen
Douglas F. Dowd (editor), 2002
1914 und 1999 - Zwei Kriege gegen Serbien: Auf dem Weg zum Demokratischen Frieden?
Peter Becker (editor), 2014
Russia in War and Revolution: The Memoirs of Fyodor Sergeyevich Olferieff
Fyodor Sergeyevich Olferieff (author), Gary M. Hamburg (editor), 2021
Optional-Narrator Theory: Principles, Perspectives, Proposals
Sylvie Patron (editor), 2021
The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature: Volume 1: 800-1558
Rita Copeland (editor), 2016
Hippocrates and Medical Education: Selected Papers Read at the XIIth International Hippocrates Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden 24-26 August 2005
Manfred Horstmanshoff (editor), 2010
The China Journals: Ideology and Intrigue in the 1960s
H. R. Trevor-Roper, Richard Davenport-Hines (editor), 2020
Grande dizionario della lingua italiana (Rib-Roba)
Salvatore Battaglia (editor), 1992
La gioia di scrivere. Tutte le poesie (1945-2009). Testo polacco a fronte
Wislawa Szymborska, Pietro Marchesani (editor), 2009
Brave New Hungary: Mapping the System of National Cooperation
János Matyas Kovács, Balazs Trencsenyi (editor), 2020
A Companion to Shakespeare's Sonnets
Michael Carl Schoenfeldt (editor), 2006
The Fifteenth Century XIII: Exploring the Evidence: Commemoration, Administration and the Economy
Linda Clark (editor), 2014
Toledo y Bizancio coordinador, Miguel Cortés Arrese.
Miguel Cortés Arrese (editor), 2002
Toward an Anthropology of Women
Rayna R. Reiter (editor), 1975
Law and Social Movements
Michael McCann (editor), 2006
Aristoxenus of Tarentum: The Pythagorean Precepts (How to Live a Pythagorean Life) - An Edition of and Commentary on the Fragments with an Introduction
Aristoxenus of Tarentum; Carl A. Huffman (editor), 2019
L'economia dell'età della pietra
Marshall Sahlins, Roberto Marchionatti (editor), 1980