نتایج جستجو

Mystery and Secrecy in the Nag Hammadi Collection and Other Ancient Literature: Ideas and Practices: Studies for Einar Thomassen at Sixty
Christian H Bull (editor), LIV Lied (editor), John D Turner (editor), 2011
The York Mystery Cycle and the Worship of the City (Westfield Medieval Studies)
Pamela M. King, 2006
Übergangszeiten: Altorientalische Studien für Reinhard Dittmann anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags
Kai Kaniuth (editor), Daniel Lau (editor), Dirk Wicke (editor)
Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West: Proceedings of the Fribourg-Utrecht Symposium of the International Symposium Association of Manichaean ... 49 (Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies)
Johannes van Oort, Otto Wermelinger, Gregor Wurst, 2012
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume 62
Victor Caston (editor), Rachana Kamtekar (editor), 2023
Applications of ATILA FEM software to smart materials: Case studies in designing devices
Kenji Uchino, Jean-Claude Debus, 2013
Neoteros: Studies in Bronze Age Aegean Art and Archaeology in Honor of Professor John G. Younger on the Occasion of His Retirement (Aegaeum)
B Davis (editor), R Laffineur (editor)
Text and Corpus Analysis: Computer Assisted Studies of Language and Culture
Michael Stubbs, 1996
Routledge Handbook of Descriptive Rhetorical Studies and World Languages
Weixiao Wei (editor); James Schnell (editor), 2023
The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies
Rikke Andreassen (editor); Catrin Lundström (editor); Suvi Keskinen (editor); Shirley Anne Tate (editor), 2023
Der Höchste: Studien zur hellenistischen Religionsgeschichte und zum biblischen Gottesglauben
Reinhard Feldmeier, 2014
mu-zu an-za3-še3 kur-ur2-še3 ḫe2-ĝal2: Altorientalistische Studien zu Ehren von Konrad Volk
Jessica Baldwin (editor), Jana Matuszak (editor)
Projektgruppe Automation und Qualifikation: Zerreißproben Automation im Arbeiterleben Empirische Untersuchungen, Teil 4
Frigga Haug (Leitung), Helga Karl, Rolf Nemitz, Christof Ohm, Nora Räthzel, Werner van Treeck, Thomas Waldhubel, Silke Wenk, Gerhard Zimmer, 1983
The City and the Parish: Drama in York and Beyond: Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies
Alexandra F. Johnston, edited by David N. Klausner (editor), 2017
‘Ye whom the charms of grammar please’: Studies in English Language History in Honour of Leiv Egil Breivik
Kristian A. Rusten (editor), Kari Haugland (editor), Kevin McCafferty (editor), 2014
The City and the Parish: Drama in York and Beyond: Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies
Alexandra F. Johnston, edited by David N. Klausner (editor), 2017
Writing the Military History of Pre-Crusade Europe (Variorum Collected Studies)
David S. Bachrach, Bernard S. Bachrach, 2020
Studies in Classical Linguistics in Honor of Philip Baldi
B. Richard Page, Aaron D. Rubin, 2010
Thorikos: Reports and Studies
Roald F. Docter (editor), Maud Webster (editor), 2021
Text-Critical and Hermeneutical Studies in the Septuagint
Johann Cook, Hermann-Josef Stipp, 2012