نتایج جستجو

Staatsverständnisse. Ein interdisziplinärer Gedankenaustausch
Bernhard Ehrenzeller, Peter Gomez, Constance Grewe, Peter Häberle, Andreas Kley, Markus Kotzur, Kerstin Odendahl, Benjamin Schindler, Daniel Thürer (ed.), 2017
Radikale Demokratie. Zum Staatsverständnis von Chantal Mou!e und Ernesto Laclau
Andreas Hetzel (ed.), 2020
Techniken der Subjektivierung
Andreas Gelhard, Thomas Alkemeyer, Norbert Ricken (eds.), 2013
Memory and Migration: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Memory Studies
Julia Creet and Andreas Kitzmann, 2011
Marxismus als Sozialwissenschaft. Rechts- und Staatsverständnisse im Austromarxismus
Andreas Fisahn, Thilo Scholle, Ridvan Ciftci (eds.), 2018
Projekt ÖSD B2 – Glossar
Ανδρέας ΣταθουλόπουλοςAndreas Stathoulopoulos, 2020
Has It Come to This?: The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink
J.P. Sapinski (editor), Holly Jean Buck (editor), Andreas Malm (editor), 2020
The Ancient Art of Persuasion across Genres and Topics
Sophia Papaioannou, Andreas Serafim, Kyriakos N. Demetriou, 2019
Progress in Engineering Technology III
Muhamad Husaini Abu Bakar, Mohd Nurhidayat Zahelem, Andreas Öchsner, 2021
Star-Formation Rates of Galaxies
Andreas Zezas, Véronique Buat, 2021
Caves in Context: The Cultural Significance of Caves and Rockshelters in Europe
Knut Andreas Bergsvik; Robin Skeates, 2012
Klassismus: Eine Einführung
Andreas Kemper; Heike Weinbach, 2018
When Women Rebel: The Rise of Popular Feminism in Peru
Carol Andreas, 1985
Strategic Conspiracy Narratives: A Semiotic Approach
Mari-Liis Madisson and Andreas Ventsel, 2021
Historical Pragmatics: Pragmatic Developments in the History of English
Andreas H. Jucker (ed.), 1995
Forbidden Health
Andreas Kalcker, 2018
Genealogy of the Descendants of John Gar
Andreas Gaar, 1894
Consciousness and Physicalism: A Defense of a Research Program
Andreas Elpidorou, Guy Dove, 2020
Non-Local Cell Adhesion Models: Steady States and Bifurcations
Andreas Buttenschoen; Thomas Hillen, 2021
Histories of Surveillance from Antiquity to the Digital Era: The Eyes and Ears of Power
Andreas Marklund, Laura Skouvig, 2021
Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Elizabeth Parsons, Pauline Maclaran, Andreas Chatzidakis, 2017
Preclinical MRI of the Kidney: Methods and Protocols
Andreas Pohlmann; Thoralf Niendorf, 2021
Las guerras de Cuba
Andreas Stucki, 2017