نتایج جستجو

African literatures in the 20th century : a guide ; based on the Encyclopedia of world literature in the 20th century
Leonard S. Klein (editor), 1987
Feminist Applied Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice
Leeja Carter (editor), 2020
Patrología. IV: Del Concilio de Calcedonia (451) a Beda. Los Padres latinos
Angelo Di Berardino (editor), 2002
Critical Themes in World Music: A Reader for Excursions in World Music, Eighth Edition
Timothy Rommen (editor), 2020
Media Rhetoric: How Advertising and Digital Media Influence Us
Mateus, Samuel (Editor), 2021
La Novela semanal (Buenos Aires 1917-1927): Un proyecto editorial para la ciudad moderna (Literatura Breve) (Spanish Edition)
Margarita Pierini (editor), 2004
Mystical Poems of Rumi :
Translated from the Persian by A. J. Arberry, Foreword to the new and corrected edition by Franklin D. Lewis, General Editor, Ehsan Yarshater, 2009
Drawdown: The American Way of Postwar
Jason W. Warren (editor), 2016
Cara bambina. Lettere dall'Italia alla figlia (1747-1761)
Mary Wortley Montagu, Masolino D'Amico (editor), 2014
張思之; 孫國棟 (editor), 2014
Natural Language Processing
Zoran Gacovski (editor), 2020
Architectural Digest Traditional Interiors
Paige Rense (editor), 1979
Digital Technologies in Construction Engineering: Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 173)
Sergey Vasil'yevich Klyuev (editor), 2021
Before Jackie Robinson: The Transcendent Role of Black Sporting Pioneers
Gerald R. Gems (editor), 2017
Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009
Howard Zinn, Anthony Arnove (editor), 2012
Dogmática reformada
Herman Bavinck; John Bolt (editor), 2012
Cialtroni. Da Garibaldi a Grillo gli italiani che disfecero l'Italia
Indro Montanelli, Paolo Di Paolo (editor), 2019
Indro al giro. Viaggio nell'Italia di Coppi e Bartali. Cronache dal 1947 e 1948
Indro Montanelli, Andrea Schianchi (editor), 2016
Opere postume 1650-2009. Testo latino e francese a fronte
Renato Cartesio, René Descartes, Giulia Belgioioso (editor), 2009
Medical Imaging Methods: Theory and Applications
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla (editor), 2022
Gegenerinnerung: Geschichte Als Politisches Argument Im Transformationsprozes Ost-, Ostmittel- Und Sudosteuropas (Schriften Des Historischen Kollegs) (German Edition)
Helmut Elisa Altrichter Müller-Luckner (editor), 2006
Musikbuch Oberstufe - Vom Kunstwerk zum Klangkonzept. Themenheft
Thomas Zimmermann; Janine Krüger; Ulrich Brassel (editor), 2018
Ideen machen Musik
Rainer Butz; Ulrich Brassel (editor), 2017