نتایج جستجو

Freshwater Invertebrates in Central Europe: A Field Guide
György Kriska (auth.), 2013
Imperial Desert Dreams: Cotton Growing and Irrigation in Central Asia, 1860-1991
Julia Obertreis, 2017
Unsettled 1968 in the Troubled Present: Revisiting the 50 Years of Discussions from East and Central Europe
Aleksandra Konarzewska; Anna Nakai; Michal Przeperski, 2019
A luta pela paz, nossa tarefa central e decisiva
Luiz Carlos Prestes
Paths out of the Apocalypse: Physical Violence in the Fall and Renewal of Central Europe, 1914-1922
Ota Konrád, Rudolf Kučera, 2022
Keeping the Cross Central: The Faith-Based Legacy of Teen Challenge
Don Wilkerson, 2021
Muslim Culture in Russia and Central Asia from the 18th to the Early 20th Centuries: Inter-Regional and Inter-Ethnic Relations
Anke von Kügelgen (editor), Michael Kemper (editor), Klaus Klier, 1999
The central powers in the Adriatic, 1914-1918: war in a narrow sea
Charles W. Koburger, Jr., 2001
Social Discipline in the Reformation: Central Europe, 1550-1750
R. Po-chia Hsia, 1989
Women and Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe
Joanna Regulska, Jasmina Lukic, 2017
The Road Through War: Anarchy and Rebellion in the Central African Republic
Anjan Sundaram, 2016
Digging Politics: The Ancient Past and Contested Present in East-Central Europe
James Koranyi & Emily Hanscam (eds), 2023
Politics and Security of Central and Eastern Europe: Contemporary Challenges
Ryszard Zięba, 2023
Uyat and the Culture of Shame in Central Asia
Hélène Thibault, Jean-François Caron, 2022
Global Governance in the New Era: Concepts and Approaches
Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies, CASS, Russian International Affairs Council, 2023
The Puritan Ice Companies: The Ice Empire of California's Central Coast
David Petry, 2012
Central Asia's Economic Rebirth in the Shadow of the New Great Game
Djoomart Otorbaev, 2023
Attica, Central Greece, Macedonia, Thrace
John S. Kloppenborg, Richard S. Ascough, 2011
Photographing, Exploring and Exhibiting Russian Turkestan: Central Asia on Display
Inessa Kouteinikova, 2022