نتایج جستجو

SOIL SPECTRAL INFERENCE WITH R analysing digital soil spectra.
Alexandre M J -C Wadoux; Brendan Malone; Budiman Minasny; Mario Fajardo; Alex B McBratney, 2021
Imagination in Human and Cultural Development
Tania Zittoun and Alex Gillespie, 2016
Nechaj ma, chcem sa učiť sám. 2
Sabine Alex, Klaus W. Vopel, 1996
Classic Bikes: Essential Transport
Alex Sharkey, 2021
The Psychology Student’s Career Survival Guide: Here Be Dragons
Alex Forsythe, 2021
La scuola che resiste. Storie di un maestro di provincia
Alex Corlazzoli, 2012
Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook
Alex Gonzalez, 2015
Embedded Linux Projects Using Yocto Project Cookbook
Alex Gonzalez, 2015
The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect
Alex Bellamy (editor), Tim Dunne (editor), 2016
A Cure for Darkness: The Story of Depression and How We Treat It
Alex Riley, 2021
An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind
Erin Beeghly, Alex Madva, 2020
Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning
Alex J. Gutman, Jordan Goldmeier, 2021
Zvi Bodie; Alex Kane; Alan J. Marcus, 2018
Principles of Electromagnetic Methods in Surface Geophysics
Alex A. Kaufman, Dimitry Alekseev, Michael Oristaglio, 2014
Production Kubernetes
Josh Rosso; Rich Lander; Alex Brand; John Harris, 2021
GitOps and Kubernetes
Billy Yuen; Jesse Suen; Alex Matyushentsev; Todd Ekenstam, 2021
Pediatric infectious diseases : essentials for practice
Alex R. Kemper (editor); Samir S. Shah (editor); Adam J. Ratner (editor), 2019
Quarkus Cookbook: Kubernetes-Optimized Java Solutions
Alex Soto, Jason Porter, 2020
Chess Explained: The Classical Sicilian
Alex Yermolinsky, 2006
Review of Accelerator Science and Technology, vol.1.
Alex Chao, Weiren Chou (eds.), 2009
Visual Writing
Alex Baratta, 2010
Communities under Fire: Urban Life at the Western Front, 1914-1918
Alex Dowdall, 2020