نتایج جستجو

Forensic Investigation of Sex Crimes and Sexual Offenders
Linde Christine Burkey, Tusty ten Bensel, Jeffery T. Walker, Larry S. Miller, 2013
Why Fast?: The Pros and Cons of Restrictive Eating
Christine Baumgarthuber, 2023
Being White Today: A Roadmap for a Positive Antiracist Life
Shelly Tochluk, Christine Saxman, 2023
Spaceship Neutrino
Christine Sutton, 1992
Caging Skies
Christine Leunens, 2008
Postmemory und die Transformation der deutschen Erinnerungskultur
Christine Meyer, Anna Gvelesiani (eds.), 2024
Artificiality and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Unforeseen, and Paving the Way to a Sustainable Future (FGF Studies in Small Business and Entrepreneurship)
Richard Adams (editor), Dietmar Grichnik (editor), Asta Pundziene (editor), Christine Volkmann (editor), 2022
Formelsammlung bis zum Abitur - Mathematik - Physik - Astronomie - Chemie - Biologie - Informatik
Frank-Michael Becker (Biologie) Dr. Hubert Bossek † (Mathematik) Dr. Lutz Engelmann (Mathematik, Informatik) Dr. Christine Ernst (Chemie) Dr. habil. Günter Fanghänel (Mathematik) Heinz Höhne (Chemie) Dr. Astrid Kalenberg (Informatik) Rudi Lenertat † (Mathematik) Dr. Günter Liesenberg (Mathematik) Manuela Liesenberg (Geographie) Rainer Löffler (Mathematik) Prof. Dr. habil. Lothar Meyer (Physik, Astronomie) Doz. Dr. habil. Christa Pews-Hocke (Biologie) Dr. habil. Bernd Raum (Geographie) Dr. Gerd-D, 2023
Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy for Trauma
Donald F. Walker (editor), Christine Courtois (editor), Jamie D. Aten (editor), 2014
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 32nd International Conference, DEXA 2021, Virtual Event, September 27–30, 2021, Proceedings
Christine Strauss (editor), Gabriele Kotsis (editor), A Min Tjoa (editor), Ismail Khalil (editor), 2021
Une histoire des sexualités
Christine Bard, 2018
Serendipity: Experience of Pacific Historians
Matt K. Matsuda, David L. Hanlon, Anne Perez Hattori, Max Quanchi, Clive Moore, Peter John Hempenstall, Christine Weir, Bronwen Douglas, Jacqueline Leckie, Doug Munro, Morgan Tuimaleali’fano, Brij V. Lal (editor), 2024
Driving Data Projects: A comprehensive guide
Christine Haskell, 2024
Beyond Camps and Forced Labour: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference
Suzanne Bardgett (editor), Christine Schmidt (editor), Dan Stone (editor), 2020
Complexity and Simplicity in Science Education
David Geelan (editor), Kim Nichols (editor), Christine V. McDonald (editor), 2022
De versierder ontmaskerd
Christine Rimmer
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 32nd International Conference, DEXA 2021, Virtual Event, September 27–30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)
Christine Strauss (editor), Gabriele Kotsis (editor), A Min Tjoa (editor), Ismail Khalil (editor), 2021
Serendipity: Experience of Pacific Historians
Matt K. Matsuda, David L. Hanlon, Anne Perez Hattori, Max Quanchi, Clive Moore, Peter John Hempenstall, Christine Weir, Bronwen Douglas, Jacqueline Leckie, Doug Munro, Morgan Tuimaleali’fano, Brij V. Lal (editor), 2024
The Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Understanding Challenges and Resilience
Nancy Orel (editor), Christine Fruhauf (editor), 2014
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2007: 26th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Auckland, New Zealand, November 5-9, 2007, Proceedings
Christine Parent (editor), Klaus-Dieter Schewe (editor), Veda C. Storey (editor), Bernhard Thalheim (editor), 2007
Anti-Judaism and Christian Orthodoxy: Ephrem's Hymns in Fourth-Century Syria
Christine Shepardson, 2008
Género e interseccionalidad en la historia y la cultura de Centroaamérica y el Caribe (siglos XIX y XX) / Gender and Intersectionality in the History and Culture of Central America and Caribbean (19th and 20th centuries)
Christine Hatzky (ed.); Anja Bandau (ed.); Lidia Becker (ed.), 2024
Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America: Volume 1, Terrestrial Carnivores, Ungulates, and Ungulate like Mammals
Christine M. Janis, Kathleen M. Scott, Louis L. Jacobs, 1998
The First Resource: Wild Species in the North American Economy
Christine Prescott-Allen, Robert Prescott-Allen, 1986