نتایج جستجو

Contaminated Sediments
John Cairns Jr. (auth.), Tarek A. Kassim, Damià Barceló (eds.), 2009
Coping with Water Scarcity: Addressing the Challenges
Dr Luis Santos Pereira, Dr Ian Cordery, Dr Iacovos Iacovides (auth.), 2009
Green Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Energy Recovery and Emerging Compounds Removal
Giovanni De Feo, Sabino De Gisi (auth.), Giusy Lofrano (eds.), 2012
Inorganic Reactions In Water
Ronald Rich (auth.), 2007
International Steam Tables: Properties of Water and Steam Based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97
Dr. Wolfgang Wagner, Dr. Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar (auth.), 2008
International Steam Tables: Properties of Water and Steam Based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97
Dr. Wolfgang Wagner, Dr. Hans-Joachim Kretzschmar (auth.), 2008
Peri-urban Water and Sanitation Services: Policy, Planning and Method
Mathew Khurian (auth.), Mathew Kurian, Patricia McCarney (eds.), 2010
Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2
M. H. Ali (auth.), 2011
Water Management at Abandoned Flooded Underground Mines: Fundamentals, Tracer Tests, Modelling, Water Treatment
Dr. rer. nat. Christian Wolkersdorfer (auth.), 2008
Water Management In 2020 And Beyond
Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada (auth.), Prof. Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada, Rafael Izquierdo (eds.), 2009
Applications of Mathematics in Models, Artificial Neural Networks and Arts: Mathematics and Society
Vittorio Capecchi (auth.), Vittorio Capecchi, Massimo Buscema, Pierluigi Contucci, Bruno D'Amore (eds.), 2010
Drama and Curriculum: A Giant at the Door
John O’Toole, Madonna Stinson, Tiina Moore (auth.), 2009
Drama and Curriculum: A Giant at the Door
John O’Toole, Madonna Stinson, Tiina Moore (auth.), 2009
Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts
George Lekakos, Matina Charami, Petros Caravelas (auth.), Borko Furht (eds.), 2009
Architecting Dependable Systems
Paulo Esteves Veríssimo, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Miguel Pupo Correia (auth.), Rogério de Lemos, Cristina Gacek, Alexander Romanovsky (eds.), 2003
Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems
Danny Weyns (auth.), 2010
Architecture-Based Design of Multi-Agent Systems
Danny Weyns (auth.), 2010
Boundary Management: Developing Business Architectures for Innovation
Mitsuru Kodama (auth.), 2010
Digital System Test and Testable Design: Using HDL Models and Architectures
Zainalabedin Navabi (auth.), 2011
A Visual Astronomer's Photographic Guide to the Deep Sky: A Pocket Field Guide
Stefan Rumistrzewicz (auth.), 2010
Abductive Cognition: The Epistemological and Eco-Cognitive Dimensions of Hypothetical Reasoning
Lorenzo Magnani (auth.), 2009
Anatomic Basis of Echocardiographic Diagnosis
Kwan-Leung Chan, John P. Veinot (auth.), 2011
Animation and Performance Capture Using Digitized Models
Edilson de Aguiar (auth.), 2010
Digital Photogrammetry: A Practical Course
PD Dr. Dr. -Ing. Wilfried Linder (auth.), 2009