نتایج جستجو

Petroleum Production Systems
Michael J. Economides, A. Daniel Hill, 2012
Evidence-biased Antidepressant Prescription: Overmedicalisation, Flawed Research, and Conflicts of Interest
Michael P. Hengartner, 2021
Philosophische Handlungstheorie
Michael Quante, 2020
Mimesis und Alterität. Eine eigenwillige Geschichte der Sinne
Michael Taussig, 1997
Handbook of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Michael Coey, Stuart S.P. Parkin, 2021
Computational Design: Technology, Cognition and Environments
Rongrong Yu, Ning Gu, Michael J. Ostwald, 2021
Custom Search - Discover more:
Irina Shamaeva, David Michael Galley, 2021
Lessons for Nonprofit and Start-Up Leaders: Tales from a Reluctant CEO
Maxine Harris, Michael B. O'Leary, 2017
Pathology of genetically engineered and other mutant mice
Jerrold Michael Ward (editor); Peter Vogel (editor); John P. Sundberg (editor), 2021
German Aesthetics: Fundamental Concepts from Baumgarten to Adorno
J. D. Mininger (editor), Jason Michael Peck (editor), 2016
Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design
Wolfgang Baur, Ed Greenwood, Monte Cook, Michael A. Stackpole, Willie Walsh, Keith Baker, Colin McComb, Nicolas Logue, 2012
The New Politics of Disablement
Michael Oliver, Colin Barnes, 2012
Mass communication and society
Janet Woollacott; James Curran; Michael Gurevitch, 1979
Vichy France and the Jews
Michael R. Marrus; Robert O. Paxton, 2019
Religious Communities and Modern Statehood: The Ottoman and post-Ottoman World at the Age of Nationalism and Colonialism
Michalis N. Michael, Chantal Verdeil, Tassos Anastassiadis, 2014
The Catch: How Fishing Companies Reinvented Slavery and Plunder the Oceans
Michael Field, 2014
Eye Tracking and Visual Analytics
Michael Burch PhD, 2022
Craniofacial Microsomia and Treacher Collins Syndrome: Comprehensive Treatment of Associated Facial Deformities
David M. Yates, Michael R. Markiewicz, 2022
Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences
Michael J. Aminoff, Robert B. Daroff (ed.), 2014
khail Bakhtin between phenomenology and Marxism
Michael F. Bernard-Donals, 1994