نتایج جستجو

Complex System Maintenance Handbook
Khairy A. H. Kobbacy PhD, 2008
Complex System Maintenance Handbook
Khairy A. H. Kobbacy PhD, 2008
Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Children and Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Edward P. Walsh (editor), George F. Van Hare (editor), Paul Khairy (editor), Mohammad Shenasa (editor), 2022
Data Mining for Retail Website Design and Enhanced Marketing
Asem Omari, 2008
Chemistry for sustainable development in Africa
Omari Amuka (auth.), 2013
Chemistry for Sustainable Development in Africa
Omari Amuka (auth.), 2013
Your MBA Game Plan: Proven Strategies for Getting into the Top Business Schools
Omari Bouknight, 2003
Your MBA Game Plan: Proven Strategies for Getting into the Top Business Schools
Omari Bouknight, 2003
Religious Plurality and the Public Space: Joint Christian - Muslim Theological Reflections
Simone Sinn, Mouhanad Khorchide, Dina El Omari, 2014
Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 2: Principles, Methodology, and Evaluation Methods
A. K. Haghi, Lionello Pogliani, Devrim Balkose, Omari V. Mukbaniani, Andrew G. Mercader, 2016
Chemical Engineering of Polymers: Production of Functional and Flexible Materials
Omari V. Mukbaniani, Marc J. M. Abadie, Tamara Tatrishvili, 2018
Composite Materials for Industry, Electronics, and the Environment: Research and Applications
Omari V Mukbaniani; Devrim Balkose; Heru Susanto; A K Haghi, 2020
Ranked Set Sampling
Carlos N. Bouza-Herrera, Amer Ibrahim Falah Al-Omari, 2019
Muslim Women and Gender Justice : Concepts, Sources, and Histories
Dina El Omari; Juliane Hammer; Mouhanad Khorchide, 2020
Gendered Encounters: Challenging Cultural Boundaries and Social Hierarchies in Africa
Maria Grosz-Ngate, Omari H. Kokole, 1997
Biomedical applications of vibration and acoustics for imaging and characterisations
Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Mostafa Fatemi, Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Mostafa Fatemi, 2008
Biomedical applications of vibration and acoustics in therapy, bioeffects and modeling
Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Azra Alizad, Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Azra Alizad, 2008
B Vitamins and Folate: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects
Victor R Preedy, Hideyuki Hayashi, Bernard Do, M H Ahmed, Lucien Bettendorff, K Shibata, T Fukuwatari, Dorla L Lildballe, T Yagi, Micheal Rychlik, C Sanchez-Moreno, R Agarwal, Faruk Ahmed, John R Guyton, F Bamonti, R Prakash, Jutta Dierkes, C Antoniades, Y Kohda, S Fushinobu, Fernandez-Mejia, D Gaso-Sokac, J Zempleni, A Lebiedzinska, S H Lee, Natalie M Zahr, H Zielinski, M A Segundo, Robert Goldschmidt, M. S. Thakur, T Apeland, A S Hazell, A Szutowicz, Junko Ishihara, A Chango, K Koyama, Jia Luo, 2012
Adoption-centric Usability Engineering: Systematic Deployment, Assessment and Improvement of Usability Methods in Software Engineering
Ahmed Seffah PhD, Eduard Metzker PhD (auth.), Ahmed Seffah PhD, Eduard Metzker PhD (eds.), 2009
Difficult Conditions in Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery
Ahmed M. Al-Kandari, Inderbir S. Gill (auth.), Ahmed Al-Kandari, Inderbir S. Gill (eds.), 2011
The Hadhrami Diaspora in Southeast Asia
Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk, Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim, 2009
Front Office Operations & Management
Ahmed (Ahmed Ismail) Ismail, 2001
Food biosensors
Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Minhaz Uddin Ahmed, Mohammed Zourob, Eiichi Tamiya, Peter Belton, Lauro Tatsuo Kubota, Satoshi Koide, Marsilea A Booth, Xiaohong Zhou, Sunil G. Bhand, Ghadeer Suaifan, W Surareungchai, Asif I Zia, Jose Hernandez Santos, Naoki Nagatani, Mohammad A. Wahab, Shimaa Eissa, Keiichro Yamanaka, Mohammedali Safavieh, Hideki Hisamoto, Hideaki Endo, Esen Sokullu, Mustafa Kemal Sezginturk, 2017