نتایج جستجو

Dār al-islām / dār al-ḥarb. Territories, People, Identities
Giuliano Lancioni, Giovanna Calasso, 2017
Who is Who in Kenya 1982-1983
Mutuku Nzioki; J.M. Ng'ang'a; R. G. Opondo; Talat Dar; M.B. Dar; Josaphat O. Mithiga; David M. Mbiti, 1982
Democracy in dialogue, dialogue in democracy: The politics of dialogue in theory and practice
Katarzyna Jezierska, Leszek Koczanowicz, 2015
Dialogue in Intercultural Communities: From an educational point of view (Dialogue Studies)
Prof. Dr. Claudio Baraldi, 2009
Dialogue and Deviance: Male-Male Desire in the Dialogue Genre (Plato to Aelred, Plato to Sade, Plato to the Postmodern)
Robert S. Sturges (auth.), 2005
Dialogue and Rhetoric (Dialogue Studies, Volume 2)
Edda Weigand (Editor), 2008
Dialogue and Rhetoric (Dialogue Studies, Volume 2)
Edda Weigand (Editor), 2008
Dialogue Analysis IX: Dialogue in Literature and the Media, Part 2: Media
Betten, Anne,Dannerer, Monika, 2005
Scène, suivi de Dialogue sur le dialogue
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Luc Nancy, 2013