نتایج جستجو

Islam and Public Controversy in Europe
Nilufer Gole, 2014
Islam and Secularity: The Future of Europe's Public Sphere
Nilüfer Göle, 2015
The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling
Nilufer Gole, 1997
Becoming Muslim in Imperial Russia: Conversion, Apostasy, and Literacy
Agnès Nilüfer Kefeli, 2014
Interpenetrations : l’Islam et l’Europe
Göle, Nilüfer, 2005
Interpenetrations : l’Islam et l’Europe
Göle, Nilüfer, 2005
The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling
Nilüfer Göle, 1997
Çizgi Roman ve Çocuk
Nilüfer Tuncer
Porphyry’s On the Cave of the Nymphs in its Intellectual Context
K. Nilüfer Akçay, 2019
Research Handbook on Ocean Acidification Law and Policy
David L. VanderZwaag (editor), Nilüfer Oral (editor), Tim Stephens (editor), 2021
Postcolonial perspectives on the Raj and its literature
Nilufer E. Bharucha; Vrinda Nabar, 1994
Bildwörterbuch Türkisch: Die 500 wichtigsten Wörter in Bildern
Nilüfer Heider-Varoglu, 2013
Etnografik Hikâyeler: Türkiye'de Alan Araştırması Deneyimleri
Rabia Harmanşah, Z. Nilüfer Nahya, 2018
İslamın Yeni Kamusal Yüzleri: Bir Atölye Çalışması
Nilüfer Göle, 2013
Anadolu Kültürlerinde Süreklilik ve Değişim (Dr. A. Mine Kadiroğlu'na Armağan)
Ceren Erel, Bülent İşler, Nilüfer Peker, Güner Sağır, (eds), 2011
Public Space Democracy: Performative, Visual and Normative Dimensions of Politics in a Global Age
Nilüfer Göle (editor), 2022
Hardy Deconstructing Hardy: A Derridean Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Poetry
Nilüfer Özgür, 2017