کتاب های Asok Sen (translator)

Course in General Linguistics, edited by Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye, translated from the French by Wade Baskin
Ferdinand de Saussure (author); Charles Bally (editor) and Albert Sechehaye (editor); Wade Baskin (translator), 1959
House Of / La Casa de Bernarda Alba (Methuen Student Edition)
Federico Garcia Lorca, Gwynne Edwards (translator), 1998
Knut Hamsun (Author), Sverre Lyngstad (Translator), 1998
Hunyuan Qigong
Feng Zhiqiang ; Chen Zhonghua ( Translator ), 2001
Practical Inorganic Chemistry
K. M. Dunaeva, E. A. Ippolitova, N. S. Tamm, V. I. Spitsyn (editor), G. Leib (translator) O.I. Vorobyova, 1987
Critique of Judgment (Hackett Publishing)
Immanuel Kant, Werner Pluhar (Translator), 1987
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement)
Problems of Mathematical Physics (Selected Russian Publications in the Mathematical Sciences)
N.N. Lebedev, I.P. Skalskaya, Y.S. Uflyand (authors), Richard A. Silverman (editor and translator), Edward L. Reiss (Supplement), 1965
Electrodynamics. Lectures on theoretical physics, Vol. III
Arnold Sommerfeld, Edward G. Ramberg (translator), 1952
Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics
A. B.; Krainov, V.; Leggett, Anthony J.(translator) Migdal, 1969
Eihei Koroku I-V
Dogen Zenji, ThomasCleary (Translator), 2013
The Syrian Orthodox Church At A Glance
Mor Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Emmanuel H. Bismarji (Translator), 2008
The Kill (Modern Library)
Emile Zola, Arthur Goldhammer (Translator), 2004
The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined
Georges Duby (Author), Arthur Goldhammer (Translator), 1981
Tocqueville: The Ancien Régime and the French Revolution (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)
Alexis de Tocqueville (author), Jon Elster (editor), Arthur Goldhammer (translator), 2011
Being and Time
Martin Heidegger, Joan Stambaugh (Translator), Dennis J. Schmidt (forward), 2010
Being and Time
Martin Heidegger, Joan Stambaugh (Translator), Dennis J. Schmidt (forward), 2010
Being and Time: A Translation of Sein and Zeit
Martin Heidegger, Joan Stambaugh (Translator), 1996
Being and Time: A Translation of Sein und Zeit
Martin Heidegger, Joan Stambaugh (Translator), 1996
Vienna's Golden Years of Music: 1850-1900
Eduard Hanslick, Henry Pleasants III (translator), 1950
On Free Choice of the Will
Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo, Thomas Williams (translator), 1993
Voices from Chernobyl: The Oral History of a Nuclear Disaster
Svetlana Alexievich (Author), Keith Gessen (Translator), 2005