کتاب های Dittmer

The good doctors : the Medical Committee for Human Rights and the struggle for social justice in health care
John Dittmer; John Dittmer, 2017
151 Quick Ideas to Manage Your Time
Robert E. Dittmer, 2006
151 Quick Ideas to Manage Your Time
Robert E. Dittmer, 2006
151 quick ideas to manage your time
Robert E Dittmer, 2006
151 Quick Ideas to Improve Your People Skills
Robert E. Dittmer, Stephanie McFarland, 2008
151 Quick Ideas for Delegating and Decision Making
Robert E. Dittmer, 2007
151 Quick Ideas for Delegating and Decision Making
Robert E. Dittmer, 2007
Allgemeine Völkerkunde: Formen und Entwicklung der Kultur
Kunz Dittmer (auth.), 1954
Principles of food, beverage, and labor cost controls
Paul R. Dittmer, 2009
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls
Paul R. Dittmer, 2008
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls
Paul R. Dittmer, 2008
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls
Paul R. Dittmer, 2006
Informal Politics in East Asia
Lowell Dittmer, 2000
Informal Politics in East Asia
Lowell Dittmer, 2000
Rationales Management: Komplexität methodisch meistern
Professor Dr. Gonde Dittmer (auth.), 2002
Qualitätsentwicklung der Bildungsarbeit in National- und Naturparks: Kollegiale Begleitung als Form der internen Evaluation
Ulrich Gebhard, Arne Dittmer, Stefanie Fritz, Benny Wolf Rimmler (auth.), 2016
Diplomatic material: affect, assemblage, and foreign policy
Dittmer, Jason, 2017
China’s Continuous Revolution: The Post-Liberation Epoch, 1949–1981
Lowell Dittmer, 1987
The Ashgate research companion to media geography
Adams, Paul C.; Craine, Jim; Dittmer, Jason, 2018
Mapping the end times : American evangelical geopolitics and apocalyptic visions
Dittmer, Jason; Sturm, Tristan, 2016
Popular culture, geopolitics, and identity
Jason Dittmer; Daniel Bos, 2019