کتاب های F. Bertrand

বিবাহ এবং নৈতিকতা
Bertrand Russell, কংকর সিংহ
History of Western Philosophy
Bertrand Russell, 1946
The Scientific Outlook
Bertrand Russell, 2009
Philosophical Essays
Russell, Bertrand, 2009
História da filosofia ocidental (Box)
Bertrand Russell, 2016
La conquête du bonheur
Bertrand Russell, 2001
Les imposteurs de la génétique
Jordan, Bertrand, 2000
The ABC of Relativity
Bertrand Russell, 1925
La vita quotidiana a Roma nel tardo impero
Bertrand Lançon, 2018
Present and Ulterior Software Engineering
Manuel Mazzara, Bertrand Meyer, 2017
Russell. Vita, pensiero, opere scelte
Bertrand Russell, 2006
The Analysis of Matter
Bertrand Russell, 2007
Merchants of Babylon
COMPARET, Bertrand L., 1966
La vita quotidiana a Roma nel Tardo impero
Bertrand Lancon, 2018
L’Autobiografia di Bertrand Russell. Volume primo: 1872-1914 Dalla Regina Vittoria a Lenin
Bertrand Russell; Maria Paola Dettore Ricci; Lucia Krasnic, 1969
Il potere. Una nuova analisi sociale
Bertrand Russell, 1967
Predictive Statistics Analysis and Inference Beyond Models
Bertrand S. Clarke, Jennifer L. Clarke, 2018
Pattern and Repertoire in History
Bertrand M. Roehner, Tony Syme, 2002
Mad Dog: The Maurice Vachon Story
Bertrand Hébert, Pat Laprade, Kathie Vachon, Paul Vachon, 2017
Baran & Dawber’s Diseases of the Nails and their Management
Robert Baran, David de Berker, Mark Holzberg, Bianca Maria Piraccini, Bertrand Richert, Luc Thomas, 2019
"Scribere sanctorum gesta": Recueil d’études d’hagiographie médiévale offert à Guy Philippart
Etienne Renard, Michel Trigalet, Xavier Hermand, Paul Bertrand, 2005
The Medieval Translator. Traduire au Moyen Age
Jacqueline Jenkins; Olivier Bertrand, 2007
Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell
Travis Elborough, George Orwell, Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Camus, Bertrand Russell, 2018
Vietnam Style
Bertrand de Hartingh, Anna Craven-Smith-milnes, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni (photo), 2012