کتاب های Gerard Oram (auth.)

The ’Mere Irish’ and the Colonisation of Ulster, 1570-1641
Gerard Farrell, 2017
Challenging knowledge: The university in the knowledge society
Gerard Delanty, 2001
Partager la science – L’illettrisme scientifique en question
Goery Delacote, Joan Ferrini Mundy, Stéphane Foucart, Mathias Girel, micheline Hotyat, Olivier Houdé, Rosa Issola, Etienne Klein, Roberto Krankel, Hervé Le Guyader, Pierre Léna, Michel Lussault, Clare Matterson, Didier Miraton, Jean-Marc Monteil, Stephane Natkin, Sook-Kyoung Cho, Heinz Wismann, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Marc J. De Vries, Gérard Ferey, 2013
Principles of anatomy and physiology
Derrickson, Bryan H.; Tortora, Gerard J., 2017
Poems and Prose
Gerard Manley Hopkins, 2010
Introduction to rhetorical theory
Hauser, Gerard A., 2010
L’analyse transactionnelle
Gérard Chandezon, Antoine Lancestre, 2015
Guardians of Finance: Making Regulators Work for Us
James R. Barth, Gerard Caprio Jr., Ross Levine, 2012![Le thème de l’obscénité dans la littérature française des douzième et treizième siècles [thesis]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/12/1204735-n.jpg)
Le thème de l’obscénité dans la littérature française des douzième et treizième siècles [thesis]
Gérard Marie Burger, 1973
Famine in England
Lymington, The Viscount (Gerard Vernon WALLOP, Earl of Portsmouth), 1938
Catastrophizing: Materialism and the Making of Disaster
Gerard Passannante, 2019
General chemistry : principles and structure
Brady, James E.; Humiston, Gerard E., 1975
After ’08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis
Stephen McBride, Rianne Mahon, Gerard W. Boychuk (eds.), 2015
The cubic Szegő equation and Hankel operators
Sandrine Grellier, Patrick Gérard, 2017
Tanuljunk meg programozni Python nyelven
Gérard Swinnen, 2005
Le rite français
Alain Bauer, Gérard Meyer, 2012
Narrative discourse: An essay in method
Genette, Gérard, 1983
Princípios de Anatomia e Fisiologia
GerardJ. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson, 2016
The Bible and Reason: Anglicans and Scripture in Late Seventheenth-Century England
Reedy, S.J. Gerard, 2016
Göçebe imparatorluklar - Moğolistan’dan Tuna’ya MÖ V. yy - XVI. yy -
Chaliand, Gérard, 2001
Implants and restorative dentistry
Scortecci, Gérard M., 2003
Selling Ronald Reagan: The Emergence of a President
Gerard DeGroot, 2015