کتاب های Gerard Oram (auth.)

Meno istorija: nuo viduramžių iki šiuolaikinio meno
Bernard Edina; Cabanne Pierre; Durand Jannic; Legrand Gerard; Pradel Jean-Louis; Tuffelli Nicole, 2006
Corpo Humano: Fundamentos de Anatomia e Fisiologia
Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson, 2017
Les paradoxes du capital
Gérard Jorland, 1995
Theory and Method of Social Representations
Wolfgang Wagner, Gerard Duveen, Rober Farr, Sandra Jovchelovitch, Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi, Ivana Markova, Diana Rose, 1999
The Bantu Languages
Derek Nurse, Gérard Philippson, 2003
The Bantu Languages
Derek Nurse, Gérard Philippson, 2003
Le calendrier palestino-géorgien du Sinaiticus 34 (Xe siècle)
Garitte (Gérard) ed., 1958
Musculoskeletal physical examination : an evidence-based approach
Malanga, Gerard A.; Mautner, Kenneth R., 2017
Interprétations combinatoires des nombres d’Euler et de Genocchi
Gérard Viennot, 1981
Mental Health and Well-being Interventions in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice
Gerard Leavey; Gavin Breslin, 2019
Operations Management
Gérard Cachon; Christian Terwiesch, 2016
Drug Use And Abuse
Stephen A. Maisto, Mark Galizio, Gerard J. Connors, 2018
An ISO/IEC 12207 Perspective on Software Development Process Adaptation.pdf
Aliança do crime
Dick Lehr; Gerard O’Neill, 2015
European-language writing in Sub-Saharan Africa
Albert S Gérard, 1986
La planification stratégique à l’université
Gérard Arguin
Riemannian geometry
Besson, Gérard; Lovric, Miroslav; Min-Oo, Maung; Wang, McKenzie Yuen-kong, 1996
Improvisation: jazz pour saxophone
Gerard, Charley, 1978
Scotland and the 19th Century World
Gerard Carruthers, David Goldie, Alastair Renfrew, 2012
Sur les traces de la Bièvre parisienne
Renaud Gagneux, Jean Anckaert, Gérard Conte
Humboldt’s Cosmos: Alexander von Humboldt and the Latin American Journey that Changed the Way We See the World
Gerard Helferich, 4 Nov 2011