کتاب های Ioan Popa

Managementul culturii, universal rural
M. Moldoveanu, V. Ioan-Franc, R. Antonescu, A. Duma, 2000
Business Ethics and Leadership from an Eastern European, Transdisciplinary Context: The 2014 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics
Sebastian Vaduva, Ioan S. Fotea, Andrew R. Thomas (eds.), 2017
Ingineria Reglarii Automate
Ioan Dumitrache, 2006
Molecular electronics. An experimental and theoretical approach
Bâldea, Ioan(eds.), 2016
Markov Operators, Positive Semigroups and Approximation Processes
Altomare, Francesco; Cappelletti Montano, Mirella; Leonessa, Vita; Rasa, Ioan, 2014
Delay differential evolutions subjected to nonlocal initial conditions
Burlica, Monica-Dana; Necula, Mihai; Rosu, Daniela; Vrabie, Ioan I, 2016
Solutions for Business, Culture and Religion in Eastern Europe and Beyond: The 2016 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference on Business, Entrepreneurship and Ethics (GSMAC)
Sebastian Văduva, Ioan Ş. Fotea, Andrew R. Thomas (eds.), 2018
Parole and Beyond: International Experiences of Life After Prison
Ruth Armstrong, Ioan Durnescu (eds.), 2016
Dictionar de calitatea vietii
Ioan Marginean Marian Vasile, 2015
Ioan N. Popescu, 1982
El Narco
Ioan Grillo, 2011
Istoria ilustrată a României
Ioan-Aurel Pop, loan Bolovan (coord.), 2009
Istoria românilor în timpul celor patru regi (1866–1947): CAROL I
Ioan Scurtu, 2004
Istoria românilor în timpul celor patru regi (1866–1947): FERDINAND I
Ioan Scurtu, 2004
Istoria românilor în timpul celor patru regi (1866–1947): MIHAI I
Ioan Scurtu, 2004
Intermarriage in Transylvania, 1895-2010
Ioan Bolovan; Luminița Dumănescu, 2017
Ingineria reglarii automate
Ioan Dumitrache
Lecția de fotografie
Ioan Negrea, 1984
Solar heating and cooling systems : fundamentals, experiments and applications
Sarbu, Ioan; Sebarchievici, Calin, 2017
Solar heating and cooling systems : fundamentals, experiments and applications
Sarbu, Ioan; Sebarchievici, Calin, 2017
Introduction to Combinatorics
Ioan Tomescu, 1975