کتاب های Jean Bass (auth.)

Handicap et Famille. Approche neuro-systemique et lesions cerebrales
Jean Michel Mazaux, Jean-Marc Destaillats, Christian Belio, 2011
The Quantum Mechanics Solver: How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics, Second Edition
Jean-Louis Basdevant Jean Dalibard, 2005
Los objetos singulares Arquitectura y filosofia (Coleccion Popular (Fondo de Cultura Economica)) (Spanish Edition)
Baudrillard Jean y Jean Nouvel, 2000
Cognitive Biases
Jean-Paul Caverni, Jean-Marc Fabre, 1990
Real and complex singularities: Sao Carlos Workshop 2004
Jean-Paul Brasselet, Jean-Paul Brasselet, 2007
Thorium Energy for the World: Proceedings of the ThEC13 Conference, CERN, Globe of Science and Innovation, Geneva, Switzerland, October 27-31, 2013
Jean-Pierre Revol, Maurice Bourquin, Yacine Kadi, Egil Lillestol, Jean-Christophe de Mestral, Karel Samec (eds.), 2016
Topographie et topométrie modernes. 1, Techniques de mesure et de représentation
Lagofun, Jean; Milles, Serge; Lassauque, Jean, 1999
Topographie et topométrie modernes. 2, Calculs
Lagofun, Jean; Milles, Serge; Lassauque, Jean, 1999
The Origins of War. Violence in Prehistory
Jean Guilaine, Jean Zammi, 2005
Human Centered Software Product Lines
Jean-Sébastien Sottet, Alfonso García Frey, Jean Vanderdonckt (eds.), 2017
Physiology of Rubber Tree Latex The Laticiferous Cell and Latex- A Modell of Cytoplasm
D'Auzac, Jean; Jacob, Jean-Louis; Chrestin, Hervé, 1989
Fruit phenolics
Billot, Jean; Macheix, Jean-Jacques; Fleuriet, Annie, 1990
Exercices gradués d’anglais : Seconde, première, terminale
Jean-Bernard Degorce, Jean-François Gerdelat, Sheila Lagu, 1982
Travaux dirigés d’électromagnétisme. 1, Equations de Maxwell
Faget, Jean; Mazzaschi, Jean, 1982
Global and Culturally Diverse Leaders and Leadership: New Dimensions and Challenges for Business, Education and Society
Jean Lau Chin, Jean Lau Chin, Joseph E. Trimble, Joseph E. Garcia, 2017
Initiation à la langue latine et à son système
Simone Deléani, Jean-Marie Vermander, Jean Beaujeu (dir.), 1975
The Essential Job Interview Handbook
Jean Baur [Baur, Jean], 2015
The language of psychoanalysis
Jean Laplanche; Jean-Bertrand Pontalis;, 1988
Guide pratique d’identification des bryophytes aquatiques
Gilles Bailly ; Jean-Claude Vadam ; Jean -Paul Vergon, 2004
The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween
Jean Markale [Jean Markale], 2011
The memoirs of the Lord of Joinville
Joinville, Jean; King of France Louis IX; Joinville, Jean; King of France Louis IX; Bowen-Wedgwood, Ethel Kate, 2007
Du nouveau dans l’invisible
Jean Audouze, Jean-Claude Carrière, Michel Cassé, 2017
Signifying woman : culture and chaos in Rousseau, Burke, and Mill
Burke, Edmund; Burke, Edmund (Politiker); Mill, John Stuart; Mill, John Stuart; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Zerilli, Linda Marie-Gelsomina, 1994
Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery: The complete colored Plates of 1831-1854
Jacob, Nicolas Henri; Le Minor, Jean-Marie; Bourgery, Jean-Baptiste-Marc, 2008