کتاب های Jean Bass (auth.)

Géologie Tout en un
Jean-Michel Dupin, Jean-François Fogelgesang, Didier Grandperrin, Cécile Van Der Rest, François Cariou, Christiane Perrier, Bernard Augère, Pierre Peycru (ed.), 2008
Des Matériaux
Jean-Marie Dorlot, Jean-Paul Baïlon, 2002
La Mise en forme des matières plastiques: approche thermomecanique
Jean-François Agassant, Pierre Avenas, Jean-Philippe Sergent, 1986
Répertoire des expéditions négrières françaises au XVIIIe siècle. Tome Second : Ports autres que Nantes
Jean Mettas; Serge Daget; Michèle Daget; Jean-Claude Nardin, 1984
Droit de la famille
Hauser, Jean; Néré, Sandrine Sana-Chaillé; Cresp, Marie; Jean Hauser; Marion Ho-Dac; Sandrine Sanna-Chaillé de Néré, 2017
Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th-20th Centuries) (RURAL HISTORY IN EUROPE)
G. Beaur (editor), Phillipp R. Schofield (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), G. Beaur (editor), Jean-Michel Chevet (editor), Maria-Teresa Perez-Picazo (editor), Phillip Schofield (editor), 2013
Ureteral Complications of Gynecological Surgery: Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment
Jean-Bernard Dubuisson, Jean Dubuisson, Martina Martins Favre, Gregory J. Wirth
Papel da memória
Pierre Achard, Jean Davallon, Jean-Louis Durand, Michel Pêcheux, Eni P. Orlandi; tradução José Horta Nunes., 1999
Trois jours et trois nuits
Bruckner Pascal, Sylvain Tesson, Camille Pascal, Jean-René Van der Plaetsen, Frédéric BeigbederRaphaël Enthoven; Jean-Marie Rouart; Franz-Olivier Giesbert; Sébastien Lapaque; Thibault de Montaigu; Louis-Henri de la Rochefoucauld; Boualem Sansal; Simon Liberati; Xavier Darcos, 2021
Histoire de Chassy-en-Charollais
Jean Trotin et Jean-Marie Devémy, 2024
Η τέχνη του κοινωνιολόγου. Επιστημολογικά προαπαιτούμενα
Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon, Jean-Claude Passeron, 2009
Il libro nero del comunismo
Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, 2000
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Jean Armstrong (auth.), 1987
Bergey’s Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume Four The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes
Wolfgang Ludwig, Jean Euzéby (auth.), Noel R. Krieg, James T. Staley, Daniel R. Brown, Brian P. Hedlund, Bruce J. Paster, Naomi L. Ward, Wolfgang Ludwig, William B. Whitman (eds.), 2010
Bergey’s Manual® of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume Four The Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Tenericutes (Mollicutes), Acidobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Fusobacteria, Dictyoglomi, Gemmatimonadetes, Lentisphaerae, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae, and Planctomycetes
Wolfgang Ludwig, Jean Euzéby (auth.), Noel R. Krieg, James T. Staley, Daniel R. Brown, Brian P. Hedlund, Bruce J. Paster, Naomi L. Ward, Wolfgang Ludwig, William B. Whitman (eds.), 2010
Electrical Machines Diagnosis
Jean?Claude Trigeassou(auth.), 2011
Atlas of Osteoarthritis
Nigel Arden, Francisco Blanco, C. Cooper, Ali Guermazi, Daichi Hayashi, David Hunter, M. Kassim Javaid, Francois Rannou, Frank Roemer, Jean-Yves Reginster (auth.), 2014
Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Progress in Methods and Applications
Erkki J. Brändas (auth.), Kiyoshi Nishikawa, Jean Maruani, Erkki J. Brändas, Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, Piotr Piecuch (eds.), 2012
Occupational Asthma
Jean-Luc Malo, Anthony Newman-Taylor (auth.), Torben Sigsgaard, Dick Heederik (eds.), 2010
Distributed Operating Systems: Theory and Practice
Leslie Lamport (auth.), Yakup Paker, Jean-Pierre Banatre, Müslim Bozyiğit (eds.), 1987
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2008: 28th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 17-21, 2008. Proceedings
Jean-Sébastien Coron, Jacques Patarin, Yannick Seurin (auth.), David Wagner (eds.), 2008
Engineering Damage Mechanics: Ductile, Creep, Fatigue and Brittle Failures
Professor Jean Lemaitre, Professor Rodrigue Desmorat (auth.), 2005
Dependable Computing - EDCC 5: 5th European Dependable Computing Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005. Proceedings
Pascal Traverse, Isabelle Lacaze, Jean Souyris (auth.), Mario Dal Cin, Mohamed Kaâniche, András Pataricza (eds.), 2005