کتاب های Jean Claude Guy (trad.)

Religion, Law and the Politics of Ethical Diversity: Conscientious Objection and Contestation of Civil Norms
Claude Proeschel (editor), David Koussens (editor), Francesco Piraino (editor), 2021
Histoire de la Littérature Française. 7. De Chateaubriand à Baudelaire
Max Milner, Claude Pichois, 1999
The Price of Liberty: African Americans and the Making of Liberia
Claude A. Clegg III, 2004
Inclusive Radio Communications for 5G and Beyond
Claude Oestges (editor); François Quitin (editor), 2021
Claude Lévi-Strauss, 1996
From Montaigne to Montaigne
Claude Lévi-Strauss, Emmanuel Désveaux (editor), 2019
Dryden, Pope, Johnson, Malone
Claude Julien Rawson, 2010
John Locke and the Bank of England
Claude Roche, Carl Pitchford, 2021
800 mots pour réussir Français
Claude Lebrun , Geneviève Poumarède , François Davot, 2008
Shame 4.0: Investigating an Emotion in Digital Worlds and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Claude-Hélène Mayer (editor), Elisabeth Vanderheiden (editor), Paul T. P. Wong (editor), 2021
India and the World: A History of Connections, c.1750–2000
Claude Markovits, 2021
Quantum Mechanics
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji; Bernard Diu; Frank Laloe, 1991
We Were Invincible: Testimony of an Ex-Commando
Claude Coulombe & Denis Morisset, 2008
Os crimer de Napoleão
Claude Ribbe, 2008
The Shaman Within
Claude Poncelet, 2014
The Decline Of Military Regimes: The Civilian Influence
Constantine P Danopoulos, Robin A Remington, James Brown, Claude Welch, 2019
No Wonder You Wonder!
Claude Phipps, 2016
No Wonder You Wonder!
Claude Phipps, 2016
Race, Anthropology, and Politics in the Work of Wifredo Lam
Claude Cernuschi, 2019
Race, Anthropology, and Politics in the Work of Wifredo Lam
Claude Cernuschi, 2019
Claude Lanzmann, 2014
Phonétique et phonologie du grec ancien
Claude Brixhe, 1996
Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts
Claude Steiner, 2007