کتاب های Mark Crane (auth.)

The Red Badge of Courage (Critical Insights)
Stephen Crane (Edited by Eric Carl Link), 2011
Moda ve Gündemleri (Giyimde Sınıf, Cinsiyet ve Kimlik)
Diana Crane, 2003
Names My Sisters Call Me
Megan Crane, 2008
Stupid and Contagious
Caprice Crane, 2006
Martinique (World Bibliographical Series)
Janet Crane, 1995
Reflexology: The Definitive Practitioner's Manual
Crane, Beryl, 1999
John Wayne Gacy: The True Crime Story of the Killer Clown
Crane, Tyler, 2016
The Influence of Business Cultures in Europe: An Exploration of Central, Eastern, and Northern Economies
Robert A. Crane (eds.), 2018
Crane Technical Paper 410
Crane Egnineering Department, 2009
The Meaning of Belief: Religion from an Atheist’s Point of View
Tim Crane, 2017
Probabilistic foundations of statistical network analysis
Crane, Harry, 2018
Fundamentals of User-Centered Design: A Practical Approach
Brian Still, Kate Crane, 2017
The Abundance Book
Lawrence Crane, Lester Levenson, 1998
The Abundance Course
Lawrence Crane, Lester Levenson, 1998
Marketing, 9th Canadian Edition, Test Bank
Frederick Crane, Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, William Rudelius
Blood Ties
Ben Crane, 2018
Beastly Morality: Animals as Ethical Agents
Jonathan Crane, 2015
Beastly Morality: Animals as Ethical Agents
Jonathan Crane, 2015
Ropes Of Sand: America’s Failure in the Middle East
Wilbur Crane Eveland, 1981
Cave: Nature and Culture
Ralph Crane, Lisa Fletcher, 2015
The Art & Illustration of Walter Crane
Walter Crane, Jeff A. Menges, 2013