کتاب های Misc. Authors

Etat et classes dans l’antiquité esclavagiste. Structure — Évolution
misc. authors, 1957
Conversations with Saint Josemaría Escrivá
misc. authors
The Oxford Book of American Essays
misc. authors, 2012
The Oxford Book of American Essays
misc. authors, 2012
Is Space the Place? Yes/No
misc. authors, 2016
Winnicott Studies No. 6
misc. authors, 1992
As entrevistas da Paris Review
misc. authors, 2017
As entrevistas da Paris Review
misc. authors, 2017
HBR’s 10 Must Reads Ultimate Boxed Set (14 Books)
misc. authors![Abstract Culture [webzines]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/12/1261149-n.jpg)
Abstract Culture [webzines]
misc. authors
Methods of assessing human health vulnerability and public health adaptation to climate change
lead authors, Sari Kovats, Kristie L. Ebi and Bettina Menne ; contributing authors, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum ...et al. .
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 1
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha (contributing authors), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 3
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 4
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
California Science: Student Edition: Grade 5
Dr. Jay K. Hackett, Dr. Richard H. Moyer, Dr. JoAnne Vasquez, Mulugheta Teferi, Dinah Zike, Kathryn LeRoy , Dr. Dorothy J. T. Terman, Dr. Gerald F. Wheeler, Bank Street College of Education (program authors), Dr. Sally Ride, Lucille Villegas Barrera, Dr. Stephen F. Cunha, American Museum of Natural History (contributing authors), Ellen Grace (contributing writer), 2008
A Book apart : brief books for people who make websites
Jeremy Keith;Dan Cederholm;Erin Kissane;Ethan Marcotte;Aarron Walter;All authors, 2010-2013
A Book apart : brief books for people who make websites
Jeremy Keith;Dan Cederholm;Erin Kissane;Ethan Marcotte;Aarron Walter;All authors, 2010-2013
A Book apart : brief books for people who make websites
Jeremy Keith;Dan Cederholm;Erin Kissane;Ethan Marcotte;Aarron Walter;All authors, 2010-2013
A Book apart : brief books for people who make websites
Jeremy Keith;Dan Cederholm;Erin Kissane;Ethan Marcotte;Aarron Walter;All authors, 2010-2013
Cliches of Socialism
Various Authors, 1970
Advanced ceramic coatings and interfaces III : a collection of papers presented at the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 27-February 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Florida / editors, Hua -Tay Lin, Dongming Zhu ; volume editors, Tatsuki Obji, Andrew Wereszczak
Hua-Tay Lin; Dongming Zhu; T Ohji; Andrew Wereszczak; American Ceramic Society.; All authors, 2009
Atlas of anatomy : Latin nomenclature
Anne M Gilroy; Brian R MacPherson; Lawrence M Ross; Michael Schünke; Erik Schulte; All authors, 2009
Program for Plasma-Based Concepts for Future High Energy Accelerators
Thomas C Katsouleas; Patric Muggli; Environmental Measurements Laboratory (U.S.).; United States. Dept. of Energy. Oakland Operations Office.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information.; All authors, 2002
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy : Mechanisms and New Methods for Analyzing Risks
Claire M Lathers; Paul L Schraeder; Jan E Leestma; Braxton B Wannamaker; Richard L Verrier; All authors, 2015