کتاب های Otto Fuchs (auth.)
درباره نویسنده

Bürger und Demokratie in Ost und West: Studien zur politischen Kultur und zum politischen Prozess. Festschrift für Hans-Dieter Klingemann
Dieter Fuchs, Edeltraud Roller, Bernhard Weßels (auth.), Dieter Fuchs, Edeltraud Roller, Bernhard Weßels (eds.), 2002
Schmiedehämmer: Ein Leitfaden für die Konstruktion und den Betrieb
Dr. Techn. Otto Fuchs (auth.), 1922
Arid Zone Irrigation
M. Fuchs (auth.), Bruno Yaron, Erik Danfors, Yoash Vaadia (eds.), 1973
Applied Scanning Probe Methods II: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques
Robert W. Stark, Martin Stark (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2006
Applied Scanning Probe Methods III: Characterization
Dessy Nikova, Tobias Lange, Hans Oberleithner (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2006
Applied Scanning Probe Methods IV: Industrial Applications
Joseph M. Kinsella, Albena Ivanisevic (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2006
Applied Scanning Probe Methods V: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques
Sadik Hafizovic, Kay-Uwe Kirstein, Andreas Hierlemann (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Satoshi Kawata, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2007
Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII: Biomimetics and Industrial Applications
Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2007
Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII: Biomimetics and Industrial Applications
Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2007
Applied Scanning Probe Methods VII: Biomimetics and Industrial Applications
Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan (auth.), Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2007
Biochemisches Handlexikon: VIII. Band (1. Erganzungsband) Gummisubstanzen, Hemicellulosen, Pflanzenschleime, Pektinstoffe, Huminstoffe. Starke, Dextrine, Inuline, Cellulosen. Glykogen. Die Einfachen Zuckerarten und Ihre Abkommlinge. Stickstoffhaltige Kohlenhydrate. Cyklosen. Glukoside. Fette und Wachse. Phosphatide. Protagon. Cerebroside. Sterine. Gallensauren
Géza Zemplén (auth.), Professor Dr. Emil Abderhalden, Andor Fodor, Dionys Fuchs, Ad. Grün, Géza Zemplén (eds.), 1914
Advancement in Sensing Technology: New Developments and Practical Applications
Chia-Pang Chen, Cheng-Long Chuang, Joe-Air Jiang (auth.), Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi P. Jayasundera, Anton Fuchs (eds.), 2013
3D Imaging in Medicine: Algorithms, Systems, Applications
Wilfried K. Loeffler (auth.), Karl Heinz Höhne, Henry Fuchs, Stephen M. Pizer (eds.), 1990
Biochemisches Handlexikon: IX. Band (2. Ergänzungsband)
Thomas B. Osborne, Arthur Weil (auth.), Professor Dr. Emil Abderhalden, Andor Fodor, Dionys Fuchs, Paul Hirsch, B. Thomas Osborne, Béla v. Reinbold, Arthur Weil, Géza Zemplén (eds.), 1915
Biochemisches Handlexikon: IX. Band (2. Ergänzungsband)
Thomas B. Osborne, Arthur Weil (auth.), Professor Dr. Emil Abderhalden, Andor Fodor, Dionys Fuchs, Paul Hirsch, B. Thomas Osborne, Béla v. Reinbold, Arthur Weil, Géza Zemplén (eds.), 1915
Abelian Group Theory: Proceedings of the Oberwolfach Conference, January 12–17, 1981
L. Fuchs (auth.), Rüdiger Göbel, Elbert Walker (eds.), 1981
Quantum Interaction: 5th International Symposium, Qi 2011, Aberdeen, Uk, June 26-29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Christopher A. Fuchs (auth.), Dawei Song, Massimo Melucci, Ingo Frommholz, Peng Zhang, Lei Wang, Sachi Arafat (eds.), 2011
Quantum Interaction: 5th International Symposium, QI 2011, Aberdeen, UK, June 26-29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Christopher A. Fuchs (auth.), Dawei Song, Massimo Melucci, Ingo Frommholz, Peng Zhang, Lei Wang, Sachi Arafat (eds.), 2011
Quantum Interaction: 5th International Symposium, QI 2011, Aberdeen, UK, June 26-29, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Christopher A. Fuchs (auth.), Dawei Song, Massimo Melucci, Ingo Frommholz, Peng Zhang, Lei Wang, Sachi Arafat (eds.), 2011
Applied Scanning Probe Methods
Professor Bharat Bhushan, Professor Dr. Harald Fuchs, Professor Dr. Sumio Hosaka (auth.), 2004
Applied scanning probe methods IX: characterization
Luca Gavioli, Cinzia Cepek (auth.), Masahiko Tomitori, Bharat Bhushan, Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2008
Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII: Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques
Pietro Giuseppe Gucciardi, Guillaume Bachelier (auth.), Bharat Bhushan, Harald Fuchs, Masahiko Tomitori (eds.), 2008
Applied scanning probe methods X: biomimetics and industrial applications
Bharat Bhushan, Robert A. Sayer (auth.), Bharat Bhushan, Masahiko Tomitori, Harald Fuchs (eds.), 2008