کتاب های Peter Igaz (editor)

Genetics of Endocrine Diseases and Syndromes (Experientia Supplementum, 111)
Peter Igaz (editor), Attila Patócs (editor), 2019
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. V. Galilaea and Northern Regions, part 2: 6925-7818
Walter Ameling (editor), Hannah M. Cotton (editor), Werner Eck (editor), Avner Ecker (editor), Benjamin Isaac (editor), Alla Kushnir-Stein (editor), Jonathan Price (editor), Peter Weiß (editor), Ada Yardeni (editor), 2022
Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. V. Galilaea and Northern Regions, part 1: 5876-6924
Walter Ameling (editor), Hannah M. Cotton (editor), Werner Eck (editor), Avner Ecker (editor), Benjamin Isaac (editor), Alla Kushnir-Stein (editor), Jonathan Price (editor), Peter Weiß (editor), Ada Yardeni (editor), 2022
Computational Logic ― CL 2000: First International Conference London, UK, July 24–28, 2000 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1861)
John Lloyd (editor), Veronica Dahl (editor), Ulrich Furbach (editor), Manfred Kerber (editor), Kung-Kiu Lau (editor), Catuscia Palamidessi (editor), Luis M. Pereira (editor), Yehoshua Sagiv (editor), Peter J. Stuckey (editor), 2000
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Peter C. Whitfield (editor), Jessie Welbourne (editor), Elfyn Thomas (editor), Fiona Summers (editor), Maggie Whyte (editor), Peter J. Hutchinson (editor), 2020
Thinking Infrastructures
Martin Kornberger (editor), Geoffrey C. Bowker (editor), Julia Elyachar (editor), Andrea Mennicken (editor), Peter Miller (editor), Joanne Randa Nucho (editor), Neil Pollock (editor), 2019
Electronic Voting: 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900)
Robert Krimmer (editor), Melanie Volkamer (editor), David Duenas-Cid (editor), Oksana Kulyk (editor), Peter Rønne (editor), Mihkel Solvak (editor), Micha Germann (editor), 2021
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
Horst-Peter Götting (editor); Urs Peter Gruber (editor); Jörn Lüdemann (editor); et al. (editor); Christian Tietje (editor), 2015
Uexküll, Psychosomatische Medizin: Theoretische Modelle und klinische Praxis
Karl Köhle (editor), Wolfgang Herzog (editor), Peter Joraschky (editor), Johannes Kruse (editor), Wolf Langewitz (editor), Wolfgang Söllner (editor), 2016
John E. Cotes (Editor), Robert L. Maynard (Editor), Sarah J. Pearce (Editor), Benoit B. Nemery (Editor), Peter D. Wagner (Editor), Brendan G. Cooper (Editor), 2020
Handbook of 3D Integration Vol. 4: Design, Test, and Thermal Management.
Peter Ramm (editor); Muhannad S. Bakir (editor); Paul D. Franzon (editor); Philip Garrou (editor); Mitsumasa Koyanagi (editor); Eric J. Marinissen (editor), 2019
Handworterbuch der Greichischen Sprache. Band I. Abtheilung I
Franz Passow; Johann Friedrich Palm (editor); Christian August Karl Keil (editor); Otto Kreussler (editor); Valentin Christian Friedrich Rost (editor); Ferdinand Peter (editor); Gustav Eduard Benseler (editor), 1841
Handworterbuch der Greichischen Sprache. Band I. Abtheilung II
Franz Passow; Johann Friedrich Palm (editor); Christian August Karl Keil (editor); Otto Kreussler (editor); Valentin Christian Friedrich Rost (editor); Ferdinand Peter (editor); Gustav Eduard Benseler (editor), 1847
Handworterbuch der Greichischen Sprache. Band II. Abtheilung I
Franz Passow; Johann Friedrich Palm (editor); Christian August Karl Keil (editor); Otto Kreussler (editor); Valentin Christian Friedrich Rost (editor); Ferdinand Peter (editor); Gustav Eduard Benseler (editor), 1852
Handworterbuch der Greichischen Sprache. Band II. Abtheilung II
Franz Passow; Johann Friedrich Palm (editor); Christian August Karl Keil (editor); Otto Kreussler (editor); Valentin Christian Friedrich Rost (editor); Ferdinand Peter (editor); Gustav Eduard Benseler (editor), 1857
Marketing and Smart Technologies: Proceedings of ICMarkTech 2020
Álvaro Rocha (editor), José Luís Reis (editor), Marc K. Peter (editor), Ricardo Cayolla (editor), Sandra Loureiro (editor), Zorica Bogdanović (editor), 2021
Computational Science – ICCS 2022: 22nd International Conference, London, UK, June 21–23, 2022, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Derek Groen (editor), Clélia de Mulatier (editor), Maciej Paszynski (editor), Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya (editor), Jack J. Dongarra (editor), Peter M. A. Sloot (editor), 2022
Computational Science – ICCS 2023: 23rd International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Jiří Mikyška (editor), Clélia de Mulatier (editor), Maciej Paszynski (editor), Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya (editor), Jack J. Dongarra (editor), Peter M.A. Sloot (editor), 2023
Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
Peter H. Hwang (editor), David W. Kennedy (editor), Richard Orlandi (editor), Peter John Wormald (editor), 2025
Handbook of Burns Volume 2: Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Lars-Peter Kamolz (editor), Marc G. Jeschke (editor), Raymund E. Horch (editor), Markus Küntscher (editor), Pavel Brychta (editor), 2020
From Environmental to Ecological Law
Kirsten Anker (editor), Peter D. Burdon (editor), Geoffrey Garver (editor), Michelle Maloney (editor), Carla Sbert (editor), 2020
Investment in Startups and Small Business Financing (World Scientific Series in Finance, 17)
Farhad Taghizadeh-hesary (editor), Naoyuki Yoshino (editor), Chul Ju Kim (editor), Peter J. Morgan (editor), Daehee Yoon (editor), 2021
Idiopathic Scoliosis: The Harms Study Group Treatment Guide
Peter Newton (editor), Amer Samdani (editor), Harry Shufflebarger (editor), Randal Betz (editor), Jürgen Harms (editor), 2021
The Routledge Handbook of Service User Involvement in Human Services Research and Education (Routledge International Handbooks)
Hugh McLaughlin (editor), Peter Beresford (editor), Colin Cameron (editor), Helen Casey (editor), Joe Duffy (editor), 2021