کتاب های Ping Lu (editor)

English in Europe. Volume 4 Using English as a Lingua Franca in Education in Europe: English in Europe: Volume 4
Zoi Tatsioka (editor); Barbara Seidlhofer (editor); Nicos C. Sifakis (editor); Gibson Ferguson (editor), 2018
Immigrant Crossroads: Globalization, Incorporation, and Placemaking in Queens, New York
Tarry Hum (editor), Ron Hayduk (editor), Francois Pierre-Louis Jr. (editor), Michael Alan Krasner (editor), 2021
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference: November 5th, 6th, and 7th, 2021
David M. Goldstein (editor), Stephanie W. Jamison (editor), Brent Vine (editor), Angelo Mercado (editor), 2022
Game Over?: Reconsidering Eschatology
Christophe Chalamet (editor); Andreas Dettwiler (editor); Mariel Mazzocco (editor); Ghislain Waterlot (editor), 2017
Was ist der Mensch?
Detlev Ganten (editor); Volker Gerhardt (editor); Jan-Christoph Heilinger (editor); Julian Nida-Rümelin (editor), 2008
Late Chalcolithic Northern Mesopotamia in Context: Papers from the Workshop Held at the 11th ICAANE, Munich, April 5th 2018 (Subartu, 48)
Johnny Samuele Baldi (editor), Marco Iamoni (editor), Luca Peyronel (editor), Paola Sconzo (editor), 2022
Aspects of Galois Theory
Helmut Voelklein (editor), J. G. Thompson (editor), David Harbater (editor), Peter Müller (editor), 1999
Quantum Computing: A Shift from Bits to Qubits
Rajiv Pandey (editor), Nidhi Srivastava (editor), Neeraj Kumar Singh (editor), Kanishka Tyagi (editor), 2023
Wirtschaft – Moral – Strafrecht: Gedächtnisschrift für Klaus Lüderssen aus Anlass seines 90. Geburtstages
Matthias Jahn (editor); Eberhard Kempf (editor); Cornelius Prittwitz (editor); Charlotte Schmitt-Leonardy (editor), 2023
Manuscripts and Archives: Comparative Views on Record-Keeping
Alessandro Bausi (editor); Christian Brockmann (editor); Michael Friedrich (editor); Sabine Kienitz (editor), 2018
Protestantismus und Moderne: Studien zu Theologie, Philosophie und Ethik
Günter Meckenstock (editor); Anette Hagan (editor); Michael Pietsch (editor); Dirk Schmid (editor), 2022
Innovating in the Open Lab: The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational boundaries
Albrecht Fritzsche (editor); Julia M. Jonas (editor); Angela Roth (editor); Kathrin M. Möslein (editor), 2020
Vergleichsordnung: Kommentar
Erich Bley (editor); Ernst Ludwig Roth (editor); Karl Künne (editor); Joachim Bley (editor), 1955
Wörter – Zeichen der Veränderung
Dominika Bopp (editor); Stefaniya Ptashnyk (editor); Kerstin Roth (editor); Tina Theobald (editor), 2020
Two Cemeteries at Takhtidziri Georgia: Late Achaemenid-early Hellenistic and Late Hellenistic-early Roman
David Gagoshidze (editor), Iulon Gagoshidze (editor), Darejan Kacharava (editor), Michael Vickers (editor), 2022
Die Winckelmann-Rezeption in Italien und Europa: Zirkulation, Adaption, Transformation
Elisabeth Décultot (editor); Martin Dönike (editor); Serena Feloj (editor); Fabrizio Slavazzi (editor), 2020
AI-Based Metaheuristics for Information Security and Digital Media (Advances in Metaheuristics)
Apoorva S Shastri (editor), Mangal Singh (editor), Anand J. Kulkarni (editor), Patrick Siarry (editor), 2023
Handelsgesetzbuch: Band 15 CMR
Stefan Grundmann (editor); Mathias Habersack (editor); Carsten Schäfer (editor); Fabian Reuschle (editor), 2022
History of Intellectual Culture 1/2022: Participatory Knowledge
Charlotte A. Lerg (editor); Johan Östling (editor); Jana Weiß (editor); University of Lund (editor), 2022
Innovating in the Open Lab: The new potential for interactive value creation across organizational boundaries
Albrecht Fritzsche (editor); Julia M. Jonas (editor); Angela Roth (editor); Kathrin M. Möslein (editor), 2020
Education Materialised: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts
Stefanie Brinkmann (editor); Giovanni Ciotti (editor); Stefano Valente (editor); Eva Maria Wilden (editor), 2021
Integrated Green Energy Solutions
Milind Shrinivas Dangate (editor), W. S. Sampath (editor), O. V. Gnana Swathika (editor), Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (editor), 2023
Strafverfolgung in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen: Strukturen und Motive
Eberhard Kempf (editor); Klaus Lüderssen (editor); Klaus Volk (editor); et. al. (editor), 2015
L'Art Medieval Est-Il Contemporain?: Is Medieval Art Contemporary? (Reinterpreting the Middle Ages, 1)
Charlotte Denoel (editor), Larisa Dryansky (editor), Erik Verhagen (editor), Isabelle Marchesin (editor), 2023