کتاب های Professor Mao Hong Yu

Biochemisches Handlexikon: VIII. Band (1. Erganzungsband) Gummisubstanzen, Hemicellulosen, Pflanzenschleime, Pektinstoffe, Huminstoffe. Starke, Dextrine, Inuline, Cellulosen. Glykogen. Die Einfachen Zuckerarten und Ihre Abkommlinge. Stickstoffhaltige Kohlenhydrate. Cyklosen. Glukoside. Fette und Wachse. Phosphatide. Protagon. Cerebroside. Sterine. Gallensauren
Géza Zemplén (auth.), Professor Dr. Emil Abderhalden, Andor Fodor, Dionys Fuchs, Ad. Grün, Géza Zemplén (eds.), 1914
Biochemisches Handlexikon: XI. Band (4. Erganzungsband)
Géza Zemplén (auth.), Professor Dr. Med. Et Phil. H. C. Emil Abderhalden, Wolfgang Langenbeck, Ernst B. H. Waser, Géza Zemplén (eds.), 1924
Biochemistry of Atherosclerosis
Jim W. Burgess, Philip A. Sinclair, Christophe M. Chretien, Jonathon Boucher (auth.), Associate Professor Sukhinder Kaur Cheema (eds.), 2006
Biochemistry of Cell Walls and Membranes in Fungi
P. J. Kuhn, A. P. J. Trinci (auth.), Dr. Paul J. Kuhn, Professor Anthony P. J. Trinci, Dr. Michel J. Jung, Dr. Michael W. Goosey, Dr. Leonard G. Copping (eds.), 1990
Carotinoide: Ein Biochemischer Bericht uber Pflanzliche und Tierische Polyenfarbstoffe
Professor Dr. L. Zechmeister (auth.), 1934
Comparative Animal Biochemistry
Professor Dr. Klaus Urich (auth.), 1994
Current Topics in Membranes and Transport, Vol. 17: Membrane Lipids of Prokaryotes
T. W. Rall (auth.), Professor Dr. J. A. Nathanson, Dr. J. W. Kebabian (eds.), 1982
Alliance Capitalism and Global Business
Professor John H Dunning, John H. Dunning, 1997
An Old Creed for the New South: Proslavery Ideology and Historiography, 1865-1918
Professor John David Smith PhD, 2008
Professor Badi H. Baltagi (auth.), 2008
Professor Badi H. Baltagi (auth.), 2008
Professor Badi H. Baltagi (auth.), 2008
Professor Badi H. Baltagi (auth.), 2008
Professor Badi H. Baltagi (auth.), 2008
Ahlan wa Sahlan: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners
Professor Mahdi Alosh, 2000
Blackstone's Criminal Practice 2012
Professor David Ormerod, The Right Honourable Lord Justice Hooper, 2012
American Culture in the 1920s (Twentieth-Century American Culture)
Professor Sue Currell, 2009
A Just and Righteous Cause: Benjamin H. Grierson's Civil War Memoir
Bruce J. Dinges, Professor Emeritus Shirley A. Leckie, 2008
Biblical Narrative and the Death of the Rhapsode (Indiana Series in Biblical Literature)
Professor Robert S. Kawashima, 2004
Viral marketing and social networks
Maria Petrescu, FL Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Nova Southeastern University, 2014
Analyzing Quantitative Data: From Description to Explanation
Professor Norman Blaikie, 2003
Current Orthopaedics. Volume 20 (2006)
Professor R. A. Dickson MA, ChM, FRCS, DSc (editor), 2006
Current Orthopaedics. Volume 19 (2005)
Professor R. A. Dickson MA, ChM, FRCS, DSc, 2005
Discrete Mathematics
Professor Arthur T. Benjamin, The Teaching Company, 2009