کتاب های R A Parker

Cosmic Time Travel: A Scientific Odyssey
Barry Parker, 2001
Cosmic Time Travel: A Scientific Odyssey
Barry Parker Ph.D. (auth.), 1991
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Analysis and Design; 6 edition
Faye C. McQuiston, Jerald D. Parker, Jeffrey D. Spitler, 2004
Hacking the Kinect
Jeff Kramer, Nicolas Burrus, Daniel Herrera C., Florian Echtler, Matt Parker, 2012
Hacking the Kinect
Jeff Kramer, Nicolas Burrus, Daniel Herrera C., Florian Echtler, Matt Parker, 2012
Hacking the Kinect
Jeff Kramer, Nicolas Burrus, Daniel Herrera C., Florian Echtler, Matt Parker, 2012
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime: Quantized Fields and Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Leonard Parker, David Toms, 2009
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime: Quantized Fields and Gravity (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
Leonard Parker, David Toms, 2009
Potato and sweetpotato in Africa : transforming the value chains for food and nutrition security
Jan Low, Moses Nyongesa, Sara Quinn, Monica Parker, 2015
Cardiovascular Mathematics: Modeling and simulation of the circulatory system
Marc Thiriet, Kim H. Parker (auth.), Luca Formaggia, Alfio Quarteroni, Alessandro Veneziani (eds.), 2009
Analytic geometry
Lewis Parker Siceloff, George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith, 1922
Abraham Lincoln: Expanding & Preserving the Union (Primary Source Readers)
Christi E. Parker, M.A. Ed., 2008
A Tally of Types: With Additions by Several Hands ; And With a New Introduction by Mike Parker
Stanley Morison; Brooke Crutchley (editor); Mike Parker (introduction), 1999
1000 best bartender's recipes
Suzi Parker, 2005
1000 Facts on Mammals
Duncan Brewer, Steve Parker, 2002
Atlas of Histology of the Juvenile Rat
George A Parker, Catherine A. Picut, 2016
Freedom of Expression in a Diverse World
Richard Barron Parker (auth.), Deirdre Golash (eds.), 2010
Flavour development, analysis and perception in food and beverages
JK Parker; JS Elmore; L Methven; DP Balagiannis, 2015
Flavour development, analysis and perception in food and beverages
J K Parker; J S Elmore; L Methven, 2013