کتاب های S North

Encapsulated microbubbles and echogenic liposomes for contrast ultrasound imaging and targeted drug delivery
Shirshendu Paul Affiliation: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE , 19716, USA; Rahul Nahire Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND , 58108, USA; Sanku Mallik Affiliation: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND , 58108, USA; Kausik Sarkar Affiliation: Department of Mechanical, 2013
Hymns of Universal Praise 普天頌讚
The Hymnal Committee of the Chung Hwa Sheng Kung Hwei, The Church of Christ in China, The East China Baptist Convention, The Methodist Episcopal Church North / South, The North China Kng Li Hui, 1936
Pepper North [North, Pepper], 2017
Stars, Minds and Fate: Essays in Ancient and Medieval Cosmology
J. D. North (John David North), 2003
In Defence of the Eritrean Revolution against Ethiopian Social Chauvinists
Association of Eritrean Women in North America Association of Eritrean Students in North America, 1978
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance
Douglass C. North, 1990
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance
Douglass C. North, 1990
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance
Douglass C. North, 1990
101 Atari computer programming tips & tricks
Alan North, 1983
Advances in Databases: 19th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 19 Sheffield, UK, July 17–19, 2002 Proceedings
Richard Hull, Bharat Kumar, Arnaud Sahuguet, Ming Xiong (auth.), Barry Eaglestone, Siobhán North, Alexandra Poulovassilis (eds.), 2002
A treatise on universal algebra: with applications.
Alfred North Whitehead, 1898
Propagation of radio waves at frequencies below 300 kc/s; proceedings of the seventh meeting of the AGARD Ionospheric Research Committee, Munich, 1962
WT Blackband; North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development. Avionics Panel. Ionospheric Research Committee, 1964
Drugs and the Liver: A Guide to Drug Handling in Liver Dysfunction
Penny North-Lewis, 2008
Renewing Neighbourhoods: Work, Enterprise and Governance
Stephen Syrett, David North, 2008
Atmospheric Thermodynamics: Elementary Physics and Chemistry
Gerald R. North, Tatiana L. Erukhimova, 2009
Atmospheric Thermodynamics: Elementary Physics and Chemistry
Gerald R. North, Tatiana L. Erukhimova, 2009
Atmospheric change and the North American transportation sector summary of a trilateral workshop
by the Steering Committee on Atmospheric Change and the North American Transportation Sector of the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences.
Baptized Patriarchalism: The Cult of the Family
Gary North, 1995
The Yield: Kafka's Atheological Reformation
Paul North, 2015
Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't
Gary North, Gary Demar, 1991
A correlation study of methods of matrix structural analysis : report to the 14th Meeting, Paris, France, July 6, 1962
Richard H Gallagher; Rattinger Ivan.; John S Archer; North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development. Structures and Materials Panel
The Meat Buyers Guide : Meat, Lamb, Veal, Pork and Poultry
North American Meat Processors Assoc, 2006
Advances in spectroscopy for lasers and sensing
Baldassare Di Bartolo; Ottavio Forte; International School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy.; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 2006