کتاب های Sarah S. Long (editor)

Community Heritage in the Arab Region: Values and Practices (One World Archaeology)
Arwa Badran (editor), Shatha Abu-Khafajah (editor), Sarah Elliott (editor), 2022
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Statistics Today: Everyday Applications, Research Questions, Insights, and Challenges (Society, Environment and Statistics)
Claus Weihs (editor), Walter Krämer (editor), Sarah Buschfeld (editor), 2024
Handbook of health social work
Sarah Gehlert (editor); Teri Arthur Browne (editor), 2019
AACN essentials of critical care nursing
Suzanne M. Burns (editor); Sarah A. Delgado (editor), 2019
Global Tourism: Cultural Heritage and Economic Encounters (Society for Economic Anthropology Monograph Series)
Sarah M. Lyon (editor), E. Christian Wells (editor), 2012
Principles of Forensic Toxicology
Barry Levine (editor); Sarah Kerrigan (editor), 2020
Early Islamic Iran
Edmund Herzig (editor); Sarah Stewart (editor), 2012
Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gendered Perspective
Margaret E. Boyle (editor), Sarah E. Owens (editor), 2021
Cryptocurrencies in Public and Private Law
David Fox (editor), Sarah Green (editor), 2019
Victory Over the Sun: The World's First Futurist Opera
Rosamund Bartlett (editor), Sarah Dadswell (editor), 2012
Street Art of Resistance
Sarah H. Awad (editor); Brady Wagoner (editor), 2018
The Materials of Early Theatre: Sources, Images, and Performance: Shifting Paradigms in Early English Drama Studies: 1068 (Variorum Collected Studies)
Meg Twycross, Sarah Carpenter (editor), Pamela King (editor), 2017
Many Mahābhāratas
Nell Shapiro Hawley (editor), Sohini Sarah Pillai (editor), 2021
Neo-Gothic Narratives: Illusory Allusions from the Past
Sarah E. Maier (editor), Brenda Ayres (editor), 2020
Handbook on Implementation Science
Per Nilsen (editor); Sarah A. Birken (editor), 2020
Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment, and the Future of Design
Sarah Robinson (editor), Juhani Pallasmaa (editor), 2015
The New Politics of Materialism: History, Philosophy, Science
Sarah Ellenzweig (editor), John H Zammito (editor), 2017
Transitions to Adulthood Through Recession: Youth and Inequality in a European Comparative Perspective
Sarah Irwin (editor), Ann Nilsen (editor), 2018
Narrative Art and the Politics of Health
Neil Brooks (editor), Sarah Blanchette (editor), 2021
Child Abuse Tort Claims Against Public Bodies: A Comparative Law View
Duncan Fairgrieve (editor), Sarah Green (editor), 2017
Curating empire: Museums and the British imperial experience
John McAleer (editor), Sarah Longair (editor), 2012
Nicomachean Ethics
Aristotle, Sarah Broadie (editor), Christopher Rowe (editor), 2002