کتاب های Sarah S. Long (editor)

Innovation and Experiential Learning in Academic Libraries: Meeting the Needs of Today's Students
Sarah Nagle (editor), Elias Tzoc (editor), 2022
Diversity Gains: Stepping Stones and Pitfalls
Sarah Bollinger (editor), Carsten Mildner (editor), 2020
Live Cinema: Cultures, Economies, Aesthetics
Sarah Atkinson (editor), Helen W. Kennedy (editor), 2017
Introduction to international migration population movements in the 21st century
Sarah P. Lockhart (editor); Jeannette Money (editor), 2021
eMarketing: the essential guide to digital marketing
RobStokes, SarahBlake (editor), QuirkEducation (editor)
Un giorno come un altro
Shirley Jackson, Laurence Jackson Hyman (editor), Sarah Hyman DeWitt (editor), 2022
Markets and Malthus: Population, Gender and Health in Neo-liberal Times
Mohan Rao (editor), Sarah Sexton (editor), 2010
Managing Emergencies in the Outpatient Setting: Pearls for Primary Care
Gregory M. Booth (editor), Sarah Frattali (editor), 2023
The Handbook of Business and Corruption: Cross-Sectoral Experiences
Michael S. Aßländer (editor), Sarah Hudson (editor), 2017
Key Concepts in World Philosophies: A Toolkit for Philosophers
Sarah Flavel (editor), Chiara Robbiano (editor), 2023
Religion and Outer Space
Eric Michael Mazur (editor), Sarah McFarland Taylor (editor), 2023
Handbook of Critical Education Research: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Emerging Approaches
Michelle D. Young (editor); Sarah Diem (editor), 2023
Armenian and Jewish Experience between Expulsion and Destruction
Sarah M. Ross (editor); Regina Randhofer (editor), 2021
Armenian and Jewish Experience between Expulsion and Destruction
Sarah M. Ross (editor); Regina Randhofer (editor), 2021
Seeing Animals after Derrida
Sarah Bezan (editor), James Tink (editor), 2017
Seeing Animals after Derrida:
Sarah Bezan (editor), James Tink (editor), 2017
Applications of the Unified Protocols for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents
Jill Ehrenreich-May (editor), Sarah M. Kennedy (editor), 2021
Delivering Compassionate Care: A Mindfulness Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Healthcare Professionals
Sarah Ellen Braun (editor), Patricia Anne Kinser (editor), 2022
Contested Urban Spaces: Monuments, Traces, and Decentered Memories (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
Ulrike Capdepón (editor), Sarah Dornhof (editor), 2022
Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (3-Volume Set)
Sarah L. Alderman (editor), Todd E. Gillis (editor), 2024
The Rise of Islam
Vesta Sarkhosh Curtis (editor), Sarah Stewart (editor), 2009
The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (author), Sarah Harasym (editor), 1990
Weather, Climate, Culture
Sarah Strauss (Editor), 2004
E.Encyclopedia: Animal
Sarah Larter (Senior Editor), 2005