کتاب های Stéphanie Le Briz

Constructing Transnational Political Spaces: The Multifaceted Political Activism of Mexican Migrants
Stephanie Schütze (auth.), 2016
The Hero in Contemporary American Fiction: The Works of Saul Bellow and Don DeLillo
Stephanie S. Halldorson (auth.), 2007
A Womanist Pastoral Theology against Intimate and Cultural Violence
Stephanie M. Crumpton (auth.), 2014
Oil to Cash: Fighting the Resource Curse through Cash Transfers
Todd Moss, Caroline Lambert, Stephanie Majerowicz, 2015
The insider’s guide to buying a new or used car
Burke Leon, Stephanie Leon, 1993
MATLAB Machine Learning
Michael Paluszek, Stephanie Thomas (auth.), 2017
On Mutant Pedagogies: Seeking Justice and Drawing Change in Teacher Education
Stephanie Jones, James F. Woglom (auth.), 2016
Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Jeffrey Fleisher, 2015
Theory in Africa, Africa in Theory: Locating Meaning in Archaeology
Stephanie Wynne-Jones, Jeffrey Fleisher, 2015
Made in California - Art, Image and Identity 1900-2000
Stephanie Barron, Sheri Bernstein, Ilene Susan Fort, Howard N. Fox, 2000
German Expressionist Sculpture
Stephanie Barron, 1983
German Expressionist Prints and Drawings
Barron Stephanie, Davis Bruce, 1989
Degenerate Art. The Fate of the Avant-Garde in Nazi Germany
Stephanie Barron, 1991
Anatomy coloring book
McCann, Stephanie, 2008
Lion Brand Yarn Just Wraps 30 Patterns to Knit and Crochet
Stephanie Klose, Cathy Maguire (Editors), 2006
Psychosocial Health, Work and Language: International Perspectives Towards Their Categorizations at Work
Stéphanie Cassilde, Adeline Gilson (eds.), 2017
Perspektiven mathematischer Bildung im Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule
Stephanie Schuler, Christine Streit, Gerald Wittmann (eds.), 2017
Die Mathe-Wichtel Band 1: Humorvolle Aufgaben mit Lösungen für mathematisches Entdecken ab der Grundschule
Stephanie Schiemann, Robert Wöstenfeld (auth.), 2017
Gebildet: Eine Studie zum Bildungsdiskurs am Beispiel der Kanondebatte von 1995 bis 2015
Stephanie Stock (auth.), 2017
Schulreformen im Mehrebenensystem: Eine mehrdimensionale Analyse von Bildungspolitik
Stephanie Appius, Amanda Nägeli (auth.), 2017
The Future of Management Education: Volume 1: Challenges facing Business Schools around the World
Stéphanie Dameron, Thomas Durand (eds.), 2017
Indigenous Women’s Movements in Latin America: Gender and Ethnicity in Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia
Stéphanie Rousseau, Anahi Morales Hudon (auth.), 2017
A material culture : consumption and materiality on the coast of precolonial east Africa
Wynne-Jones, Stephanie, 2016
Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
Jeffrey B. Halter, Joseph G. Ouslander, Mary Tinetti, Stephanie Studenski, Kevin P. High, Sanjay Asthana, 2009