کتاب های T. Shaska

Advances in coding theory and crytography
T. Shaska, W C Huffman, David Joyner, V Ustimenko, T. Shaska, W. C. Huffman, 2007
Advances in Coding Theory and Crytography
T. Shaska, W C Huffman, David Joyner, V Ustimenko, T. Shaska, W. C. Huffman, 2007
Advances in Coding Theory and Crytography
T. Shaska, 2007
Higher Genus Curves in Mathematical Physics and Arithmetic Geometry
Andreas Malmendier, Tony Shaska, Editors, 2018
Algebraic curves and their applications
Beshaj, Lubjana; Shaska, Tony, 2019
Kalkulus (Calculus in Albanian)
Tanush Shaska, 2010
Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry: A Celebration of Emma Previato’s 65th Birthday
Ron Donagi, Tony Shaska, 2020
Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry: A Celebration of Emma Previato’s 65th Birthday
Ron Donagi, Tony Shaska, 2020
Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry 2 Volume Paperback Set (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Ron Donagi (editor), Tony Shaska (editor), 2020