کتاب های Udo Schmidt

Clearing the Bases: Juiced Players, Monster Salaries, Sham Records, and a Hall of Famer's Search for the Soul of Baseball
Mike Schmidt, Glen Waggoner, 2006
Differential Diagnosis in Ultrasound Imaging: A Teaching Atlas
Guenter Schmidt, 2005
Als Christ in der politischen Entscheidung
Helmut Schmidt, 1976
Buddhism, Christianity and the question of creation : karmic or divine?
edited by Perry Schmidt-Leukel., 2006.
Freedom in bondage : the life and teachings of Adeu Rinpoche
Trulshik Ade Rinpoche; Erik Pema Kunsang; Marcia Binder Schmidt, 2011
Perfect Clarity: A Tibetan Buddhist Anthology of Mahamudra and Dzogchen
Erik Pema Kunsang, Marcia Schmidt, Michael Tweed, 2012
Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Optimization
Peter Bernus, Laszlo Nemes, Günter J. Schmidt, 2006
EFT for Weight Loss: The Revolutionary Technique for Conquering Emotional Overeating, Cravings, Bingeing, Eating Disorders, and Self-Sabotage
Ulrike Schmidt, Janet Treasure, June Alexander, 2010
Arithmetik und Geometrie: Vier Vorlesungen
Horst Knörrer, Claus-Günther Schmidt, Joachim Schwermer, Peter Slodowy (auth.), 1986
Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht: Besonderer Teil 1
Werner Frotscher (auth.), Professor Dr. jur. Reiner Schmidt (eds.), 1995
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Gora, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber, 2007
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Dr. Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber (auth.), 2007
Beiträge zur Technischen Mechanik und Technischen Physik: August Föppl zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag am 25. Januar 1924
W. Bäseler, G. Bauer, L. Dreyfus, R. Düll, L. Föppl, O. Föppl, J. Geiger, H. Hencky, K. Huber, Th. v. Kármán, O. Mader, L. Prandtl, C. Prinz, J. Schenk, W. Schlink, E. Schmidt, M. Schuler, F. Schwerd, D. Thoma, H. Thoma, S. Timoschenko, C. Weber (auth.), 1924
21st Century Literacy: If We Are Scripted, Are We Literate?
Renita Schmidt, Paul Lee Thomas, 2008
21st Century Literacy: If We Are Scripted, Are We Literate?
Renita Schmidt, P. L. Thomas (auth.), 2009
Digital Signal Processing for Communication Systems
Michael Schmidt, Gerhard P. Fettweis (auth.), Tadeusz Wysocki, Hashem Razavi, Bahram Honary (eds.), 1997
Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Vietnam: Development and Implementation
Philipp Schmidt-Thomé, Thi Ha Nguyen, Thanh Long Pham, Jaana Jarva, Kristiina Nuottimäki (auth.), 2015
Contemporary Computing: 4th International Conference, IC3 2011, Noida, India, August 8-10, 2011. Proceedings
Jose D. P. Rolim (auth.), Srinivas Aluru, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay, Umit V. Catalyurek, Devdatt P. Dubhashi, Phillip H. Jones, Manish Parashar, Bertil Schmidt (eds.), 2011
Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (LNICST, 47)
Andreas U. Schmidt, Giovanni Russello, Antonio Lioy, Neeli R. Prasad, Shiguo Lian, 2011
Characterizing Pedagogical Flow: An Investigation of Mathematics and Science Teaching in Six Countries
William H. Schmidt, Doris Jorde, Leland S. Cogan, Emilie Barrier, Ignacio Gonzalo, Urs Moser, Katsuhiko Shimizu, Toshio Sawada, Gilbert A. Valverde, Curtis McKnight, Richard S. Prawat, David E. Wiley, Senta A. Raizen, Edward D. Britton, Richard G. Wolfe (auth.), 2002
Facing the Consequences: Using TIMSS for a Closer Look at U.S. Mathematics and Science Education
William H. Schmidt, Curtis C. McKnight, Leland S. Cogan, Pamela M. Jakwerth, Richard T. Houang, David E. Wiley, Richard G. Wolfe, Leonard J. Bianchi, Gilbert A. Valverde, Senta A. Raizen, Christine E. De Mars (auth.), 2002
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Durability
Felix N. Büchi, Minoru Inaba, Thomas J. Schmidt (eds.), 2009
Landolt-Börnstein: Technik, 2. Teil, Bandteil a, Grundlagen · Prüfverfahren Eisenwerkstoffe, Teil 1
H. Borchers (auth.), H. Borchers, K. Bungardt, W. Carius, F. H. Friedrich, K. Giesen, G. Haberl, E. Hanke, H. H. Hoff, L. Hütter, U. Kleinheyer, E. Kohlhaas, R. Kohlhaas, G. Lucas, C. W. Pfannenschmidt, W. Rädeker, K. Roesch, F. Roll, K. H. Scheffler, F. W. Strassburg, F. Ulm, Heinz Borchers, Ernst Schmidt (eds.), 2013