کتاب های Wei Dai (editor)

Handling Verbal Confrontation: Take the Fear Out of Facing Others
Robert Gerard, Elin Barton (editor), Mary Ross (editor), Zeljka Roksandic (editor), Victor Beasley (editor), 2016
The Production of Alternative Urban Spaces: An International Dialogue
Jens Kaae Fisker (editor), Letizia Chiappini (editor), Lee Pugalis (editor), Antonella Bruzzese (editor), 2018
Managing Sport Across Borders
Anneliese Goslin (editor), Darlene A. Kluka (editor), Rosa López de D'Amico (editor), Karen Danylchuk (editor), 2020
Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical Anatomy and Techniques
Deepak N. Bhatia (editor), Gregory I. Bain (editor), Gary G. Poehling (editor), Benjamin R. Graves (editor), 2021
African-American English : structure, history, and use
Salikoko S. Mufwene (editor); Guy Bailey (editor); John Baugh (editor); John R. Rickford (editor), 2022
The Imposter as Social Theory: Thinking with Gatecrashers, Cheats and Charlatans
Steve Woolgar (editor), Else Vogel (editor), David Moats (editor), Claes-Fredrik Helgesson (editor), 2021
Patient Participation in Health Care Consultations: Qualitative Perspectives
Sarah Collins (editor), Nicky Britten (editor), Johanna Ruusuvuori (editor), Andrew Thompson (editor), 2007
Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location
Emily Grabham (editor), Davina Cooper (editor), Jane Krishnadas (editor), Didi Herman (editor), 2008
Next Generation Supply Chains: A Roadmap for Research and Innovation (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)
Rosanna Fornasiero (editor), Saskia Sardesai (editor), Ana Cristina Barros (editor), Aristides Matopoulos (editor), 2020
Next Generation Supply Chains: A Roadmap for Research and Innovation (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)
Rosanna Fornasiero (editor), Saskia Sardesai (editor), Ana Cristina Barros (editor), Aristides Matopoulos (editor), 2020
Psychotic Disorders: Comprehensive Conceptualization and Treatments
Carol A. Tammingsa (editor), Elena Ivleva (editor), Ulrich Reininghaus (editor), Jim van Os (editor), 2020
Energy Law in Europe: National, EU and International Regulation
Martha M. Roggenkamp (editor), Catherine Redgwell (editor),Inigo del Guayo (editor), Anita Rønne (editor),, 2016
International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education
Robert B. Stevenson (editor), Michael Brody (editor), Justin Dillon (editor), Arjen E.J. Wals (editor), 2012
Blockchain Technology and the Internet of Things: Challenges and Applications in Bitcoin and Security
Rashmi Agrawal (editor), Jyotir Moy Chatterjee (editor), Abhishek Kumar (editor), Pramod Singh Rathore (editor), 2020
Critical Suicidology: Transforming Suicide Research and Prevention for the 21st Century
Jennifer White (editor), Ian Marsh (editor), Michael J. Kral (editor), Jonathan Morris (editor), 2015
Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
-, Poonam Tanwar (editor), Vishal Jain (editor), Chuan-Ming Liu (editor), Vishal Goyal (editor), 2020
Big Data Analytics and Intelligence: A Perspective for Health Care
-, Poonam Tanwar (editor), Vishal Jain (editor), Chuan-Ming Liu (editor), Vishal Goyal (editor), 2020
Astrobiology: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy
Octavio A. Chon Torres (editor), Ted Peters (editor), Joseph Seckbach (editor), Richard Gordon (editor), 2021
ASE’s Comprehensive Echocardiography
Steven A Goldstein MDFACC (editor), Itzhak Kronzon MDFASEFACCFAHAFESCFACP (editor), Bijoy Khandheria MDFASEFESCFACP (editor), Victor Mor-Avi PhD (editor), 2015
CO2 and biosphere (Advances in Vegetation Science, 14)
Jelte Rozema (editor), J.T. Lambers (editor), S.C. van de Geijn (editor), M.L. Cambridge (editor), 2012
Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Real Estate
Sara Wilkinson (editor), Tim Dixon (editor), Norm Miller (editor), Sarah Sayce (editor), 2018
Deep Learning in Gaming and Animations: Principles and Applications
Vikas Chaudhary (editor), Moolchand Sharma (editor), Prerna Sharma (editor), Deevyankar Agarwal (editor), 2021
Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Together
Otávio Bueno (editor), George Darby (editor), Steven French (editor), Dean Rickles (editor), 2017
Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Together
Otavio Bueno (editor), George Darby (editor), Steven French (editor), Dean Rickles (editor), 2017