کتاب های به زبان انگلیسی و لاتین

The Letters of St Bernard of Clairvaux
James (Bruno Scott), 1998
Epitoma Rei Militaris, ed. M.D. Reeve
Vegetius, 2004
Oxford Latin Dictionary
P. G. W. Glare (ed.)
The ’Ars musica’ Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles
Christian Meyer, Karen Desmond, 2017
The Medieval Science of Weights (Scientia de Ponderibus): Treatises Ascribed to Euclid, Archimedes Thabit ibn Qurra, Jordanus de Nemore and Blasius of Parma
Ernest A. Moody, Marshall Clagett (eds), 1952
Pseudo-Avicenna, Liber Celi et mundi. A Critical Edition with Introduction
Oliver Gutman, 2003
Historia Norwegie
Inger Ekrem, Lars Boje Mortensen (eds.), Peter Fisher (transl.), 2003
Sallust, the histories. Books 3-5
McGushin, Patrick; Sallust, 1994
The age of Alexander: ten Greek lives by Plutarch
Scott-Kilvert, Ian, 2012
The De haeresibus of Saint Augustine : a translation with an introduction and commentary
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Müller, Liguori G., 1956
Ovid’s Heroides: a new translation and critical essays
Murgatroyd, Paul; Parker, Sarah; Reeves, Bridget, 2017
Eighty-three different questions
Saint Augustine of Hippo, 1982
Three Christological treatises
Alexandrinus Cyrillus; Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.; King, Daniel; Patriarch of Constantinople Nestorius, 2014
Arianism and Other Heresies
Hill, Edmund; Teske. Roland J.; of Hippo Saint Augustine; Rotelle, John E.; Boulding, Maria, 2001
Expositions of the Psalms, 73-98
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Boulding, Maria; Rotelle, John E., 2002
Homilies on the Gospel of John 1-40
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Fitzgerald, Allan; Hill, Edmund; Ramsey, Boniface, 2009
On Genesis
of Hippo Saint Augustine; Fiedrowicz, Michael; Hill, Edmund; O’Connell, Matthew J.; Rotelle, John E., 2002
Four anti-Pelagian writings
Saint Augustine of Hippo; Collinge, William J.; Mourant, John Arthur, 2013
The Trinity, the spectacles, Jewish foods, In praise of purity, Letters
DeSimone, Russell J.; Novatianus., 1974
Pichery, Eugène; Cassian, John; Luibhéid, Colm, 1985
The city of God. Books I-VII
Zema, Demetrius B.; Walsh, Gerald G.; of Hippo Saint Augustine; Gilson, Etienne, 2008
Saint Augustine of Hippo(Vernon J. Bourke (Translator), 1966
Oxford Latin Dictionary
Glare P.G.W. (editor), 1968-1982