انتشارات [american Society Of Civil Engineers]

Canal Automation for Irrigation Systems (ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice (MOP)131)
Task Committee on Recent Advances in Canal Automation of the Irrigation Delivery and Drainage Systems Committee of the Irrigation and Drainage Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE, Brian Wahlin, Darell D. Zimbelman, 2014
Bracing Cold-Formed Steel Structures
Thomas Sputo & Jennifer Turner (editors), 2005
Bracing Cold-Formed Steel Structures - A Design Guide
Sputo, Thomas; Turner, Jennifer L. (Eds.), 2006
Structural applications of steel cables for buildings
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2010
Structural applications of steel cables for buildings
Entropy Theory in Hydraulic Engineering: An Introduction
Ph.D., P.E. Vijay P. Singh, 2014
Hydraulics of wells : design, construction, testing, and maintenance of water well systems
Task Committee on Hydraulics of Wells, Nazeer Ahmed, Stewart W. Taylor, Zhuping Sheng, 2014
Engineering investigations of hurricane damage : wind versus water
Edited by David B. Peraza, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, David B. Peraza, 2014
Engineering investigations of hurricane damage : wind versus water
Edited by David B. Peraza, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, P.E., William L. Coulbourne, Morgan Griffith, David B. Peraza, 2014
Inland navigation : locks, dams, and channels
McCartney, Bruce L, 1998
Hydraulic design of labyrinth weirs
Falvey, Henry T, 2003
Reducing brittle and fatigue failures in steel structures
Maranian, Peter, 2010
7th FMGM 2007 : proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics : September 24-27, 2007, Boston Massachusetts
Jerry DiMaggio & Peter Osborn (Editors), 2007
Curve Number Hydrology: State of the Practice
Environmental and Water Resources Instit, Richard H. Hawkins, Timothy J. Ward, Donald E. Woodward, Joseph A. Van Mullem, 2009
Buried Flexible Steel Pipe: Design and Structural Analysis
William R. Whidden, P.E., 2009
Burried Flexible Steel Pipe: Design and Structural Analysis
William R. Whidden, 2009
Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete VI
Leon, Roberto T.; Perea, Tiziano; Rassati, Gian Andrea; Lange, Jörg, 2011
Specification for structural steel beams with web openings
American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999
Steel Penstocks
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012
Structural Identification of Constructed Systems - Approaches, Methods, and Technologies for Effective Practice of St-Id
Necati Çatbas, F.; Kijewski-Correa, Tracy; Emin Aktan, A., 2013
Structural identification of constructed systems : approaches, methods, and technologies for effective practice of St-Id
FNecati Catbas; Tracy Lynn Kijewski-Correa; AE Aktan; Structural Engineering Institute. Committee on Structural Identification of Constructed Systems.; American Society of Civil Engineers, 2013