انتشارات [american Society Of Civil Engineers]

Asphalt Material Characterization, Accelerated Testing, and Construction Management
Walubita, Lubinda F; Plessis, Louw du; Huang, Shin-Che; Simate, Geoffrey S.; Liu, Zhaohui (Eds.), 2009
Joplin, Missouri, Tornado of May 22, 2011
David O. Prevatt, William Coulbourne, Andrew J. Graettinger, Shiling Pei, Rakesh Gupta, David Grau, 2012
Advances in water and wastewater treatment
Rao Y Surampalli; RD Tyagi; Environmental and Water Resources Institute (U.S.). Environmental and Multi-Media Council, 2004
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering : proceedings of the GeoShanghai 2010 International Conference, June 3-5, 2010, Shanghai, China
Maosong Huang, Xiong (Bill) Yu, Yu Huang, 2010
Innovative materials and design for sustainable transportation infrastructure : selected papers from the International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation, August 2-5, 2015, Fairbanks, Alaska
Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates, ; Liu, Jenny; Zhang, Xiong; Zhao, Sheng, 2015
Sustainable Construction Materials 2012
Shaopeng Wu, Liantong Mo, Baoshan Huang, Benjamin F. Bowers, 2012
How to Select and Work Effectively with Consulting Engineers - Getting the Best Project
Task Committee for the Update of Manual 45, 2012
How to Select and Work Effectively with Consulting Engineers: Getting the Best Project
American Society of Civil Engineers, 2012
Hydraulic Modeling - Concepts and Practice
Task Committee on Hydraulic Modeling, Environmental and Water Resources Institute, ASCE; R. Ettema, 2000
Hydrology Handbook
Task Committee on Hydrology Handbook of Management Group D of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1996
Infrastructure Risk Management Processes - Natural, Accidental, and Deliberate Hazards
Taylor, Craig; VanMarcke, Erik (Eds.), 2006
Inland Navigation - Channel Training Works
Pokrefke, Thomas J. (Eds.), 2012
Inspecting Pipeline Installation
T. J. Hovland, Mohammad Najafi, 2009
Diatomaceous earth filtration for safe drinking water
Fulton, George P, 2000
Green Streets and Highways 2010 : an interactive conference on the state of the art and how to achieve sustainable outcomes : proceedings of the Green Streets and Highways 2010 Conference, November 14-17, 2010, Denver, Colorado
American Society of Civil Engineers, Neil Weinstein, 2011
Green streets, highways, and development 2013, advancing the practice : proceedings of the Second Green Streets, Highways, and Development Conference, November 3-6, 2013, Austin, Texas
Ph.D. Adjo A. Amekudzi, P.E. Sandra L. Otto, David J. Carlson, Marsha Anderson Bomar, 2013
Asphalt Mix Design and Construction: Past, Present, and Future State of the Practice: A Special Publication OS the 150th Anniversary of Asce
Lee, K. Wayne; Mahboub, Kamyar, 2006
Verification and validation of 3D free-surface flow models
Environmental and Water Resources Instit, Sam S. Y. Wang, Patrick J. Roache, Richard A. Schmalz, Yafei Jia, Peter E. Smith, 2009
Zero-valent iron reactive materials for hazardous waste and inorganics removal
Irene M. C. Lo, Rao Surampalli & Keith C.K. Lai (Editors), 2006
Effects of urbanization on groundwater : an engineering case-based approach for sustainable development
Ni-Bin Chang, Editor, 2010
Groundwater contamination by organic pollutants : analysis and remediation
Kaluarachchi, Jagath J, 2001
Pipelines for Water Conveyance and Drainage
Beieler, Roger W., 2013
Pipelines for water conveyance and drainage
Roger W Beieler; Environmental and Water Resources Institute (U.S.). Task Committee on Pipelines for Water Conveyance and Drainage, 2013
Standard Guidelines for the Design (45-05), Installation (46-05), and Operation & Maintenance (47-05) of Urban Stormwater Systems
Urban Drainage Standards Committee of the Standards Development Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 2006