انتشارات American Mathematical Society Ams

J-holomorphic curves and quantum cohomology
Dusa McDuff, 1994
J-Holomorphic Curves And Symplectic Topology
Dusa McDuff, 2004
K-theory and algebraic geometry: connections with quadratic forms and division algebras
Summer Research Institute on Quadratic Forms, 1995
Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type
O.A. Ladyzhenskaya, 1968
Mathematical Foundations of Information Flow
Samson Abramsky, 2012
Geometric Analysis and Function Spaces (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics)
Steven G. Krantz, 1993
How to teach mathematics
Steven G. Krantz, 1999
How to Teach Mathematics
Steven G. Krantz, 1999
Mathematical Connections: A Capstone Course
John B. Conway, 2010
Metrics, Connections and Gluing Theorems (Cbms Regional Conference Series in Mathematics)
Clifford Henry Taubes, 1996
Gröbner Bases and Convex Polytopes
Bernd Sturmfels, 1995
Grobner Bases and Convex Polytopes
Bernd Sturmfels, 1995
Gröbner Bases and Convex Polytopes
Bernd Sturmfels, 1996
Conformal Mappings and Boundary Value Problems
Guo-Chun Wen, 1992
Grobner bases and convex polytopes
Bernd Sturmfels, 1996
Functional inequalities: new perspectives and new applications
Nassif Ghoussoub, 2013
Invariant theory
Mara D. Neusel, 2007
Invariant Theory in All Characteristics
H. E. A. Eddy Campbell, 2004
Lectures on Mean Curvature Flows
Xi-Ping Zhu, 2002
Lectures on mean curvature flows
Xi-Ping Zhu, 2002
Dynamics of Infinite-dimensional Groups: The Ramsey-Dvoretzky-Milman Phenomenon
Vladimir Pestov, 2006
Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras
Minoru Wakimoto, 2001
Conformal Dimension: Theory and Application
John M. Mackay, 2010