انتشارات American Mathematical Society Ams

Quantum Linear Groups
Brian Parshall, 1991
Quantum Linear Groups
Brian Parshall, 1991
Recent Developments in Lie Algebras, Groups and Representation Theory
Kailash C. Misra, 2012
Introduction to the General Theory of Singular Perturbations
S. A. Lomov, 1992
Hadamard's Plane Geometry
Mark Saul, 2010
Lessons in Geometry
Jacques Hadamard Translated by Mark Saul, 2008
Continuous Time Markov Processes
Thomas M. Liggett, 2010
Continuous Time Markov Processes
Thomas M. Liggett, 2010
Free Lattices
Ralph Freese, 1995
Free lattices
Ralph Freese, 1995
Geometric Asymptotics for Nonlinear PDE I
V. P. Maslov, G. A. Omel’yanov, 2001
Geometric Asymptotics for Nonlinear PDE I
V. P. Maslov, G. A. Omel’yanov, 2001
Mathematics of Financial Obligations
S. N. Volkov, M. L. Nechaev, A. V. Mel’nikov, 2002
Mathematics of Financial Obligations
S. N. Volkov, M. L. Nechaev, A. V. Mel’nikov, 2002
Quantum Bounded Symmetric Domains
Leonid L. Vaksman, 2010
Quantum Bounded Symmetric Domains
Leonid L. Vaksman, 2010
Descriptive Set Theory and Definable Forcing
Jindrich Zapletal, 2004
Constructive Continuity
Mark Mandelkern, 1983
Intersections of Thick Cantor Sets
Roger Kraft, 1992
Automorphisms of the Lattice of Recursively Enumerable Sets
Peter Cholak, 1995
Decision Problems for Equational Theories of Relation Algebras
Hajnal Andreka, Steven R. Givant, Istvan Nemeti, 1997
The Structure of K-Cs-Transitive Cycle-Free Partial Orders
Richard Warren, 1997
Model Theory and Linear Extreme Points in the Numerical Radius Unit Ball
Michael A. Dritschel, Hugo J. Woerdeman, 1997