انتشارات Csiro

Australian Rainforest Fruits: A Field Guide
Wendy Cooper; William T Cooper, 2013
Australasian Eagles and Eagle-like Birds
Stephen Debus, 2017
Marine mammals; fisheries, tourism and management issues
Mark Hindell, Nick Gales, Roger Kirkwood
Modern techniques in water and wastewater treatment
Kolarik, Luis Otakar; Priestley, Anthony John, 1995
SPSS for Applied Sciences. Basic Statistical Testing
Cole Davis, 2013
A Guide to Native Bees of Australia
Terry Houston, 2018
Australian Bryozoa Volume 2: Taxonomy of Australian Families
Patricia Cook, Philip Bock, Dennis Gordon, Haylee Weaver, 2018
Australian Bryozoa Volume 1: Biology, Ecology and Natural History
Patricia Cook, Philip Bock, Dennis Gordon, Haylee Weaver, 2018
The Allure of Fungi
Alison Pouliot, 2018
A Bat’s End: The Christmas Island Pipistrelle and Extinction in Australia
John Woinarski, 2018
Grasses : systematics and evolution
Joy Everett; Surrey W L Jacobs, 2000
Australia’s Dangerous Snakes: Identification, Biology and Envenoming
Peter Mirtschin, 2018
Off the Plan: The Urbanisation of the Gold Coast
Caryl Bosman, Ayşın Dedekorkut-Howes, Andrew Leach, 2016
The Antarctic dictionary a complete guide to Antarctic English
Hince, Bernadette, 2001
Gardening down Under : a Guide to Healthier Soils and Plants.
Handreck, Kevin, June 2001
The food of Australian birds. 2, Passerines
R.D. Barker, W.J.M. Vestjens, 1990
The food of Australian birds. Volume 1, Non-Passerines
R.D. Barker, W.J.M. Vestjens, 1989
Australian Magpie: Biology and Behaviour of an Unusual Songbird
Gisela T. Kaplan, 2019
Insects of Stored Products
David Rees, 2004
Essentials of Urban Design
Mark Sheppard, 2015
The Science of Communicating Science: The Ultimate Guide
Craig Cormick, 2020
A Field Guide to Spiders of Australia
Robert Whyte; Greg Anderson; Tim Low, 2017