انتشارات Elsevier Inc.

Decomposition of Multivariate Probabilities
Roger Cuppens, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1975
Sequential Statistical Procedures
Z. Govindarajulu, Z. W. Birnbaum, 1975
The Role of Products of the Histocompatibility Gene Complex in Immune Responses
David H. Katz, 1976
Bacterial Metabolism
H. W. Doelle (Auth.), 1975
Topics in Phonological Theory
Michael Kenstowicz, 1977
Foundations of Decision Support Systems
Robert H. Bonczek, Clyde W. Holsapple, Andrew B. Whinston, 1981
Coursebook for Economics. Private and Public Choice
Richard Stroup, A. H. Studenmund, 1980
Tests in Education. A Book of Critical Reviews
Philip Levy, 1984
Fluorescence Assay in Biology and Medicine
Sidney Udenfriend, Bernard Horecker, Nathan O. Kaplan, 1969
Horizons of Bioenergetics. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Bloomington, Indiana October 12–15, 1970
Contributions to Survey Sampling and Applied Statistics
H. O. Hartley, 1978
Numerical Analysis. A Second Course
James M. Ortega, 1972
Numerical and Computer Methods in Structural Mechanics
Steven J. Fenves, 1973
Stochastic Economics. Stochastic Processes, Control, and Programming
Gerhard Tintner, 1972
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
William F. Ames, Werner Rheinboldt, 1977
Applied Finite Mathematics
Howard Anton, 1974
Study Guide for College Algebra
James W. Snow, Bernard Kolman, 1981
Metabolic Pathways. Energetics, Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, and Carbohydrates
David Morris Greenberg, 1967
Division of Labor in Cells
Geoffrey H. Bourne (Auth.), 1970
Computability Theory. An Introduction
Neil D. Jones, 1973