انتشارات Elsevier Inc.

The Finite Element Method. Fundamentals and Applications
Douglas H. Norrie, 1973
The Regulatory Process and Labor Earnings
Ronald G. Ehrenberg, 1979
The Economic Theory of Price Indices. Two Essays on the Effects of Taste, Quality, and Technological Change
Franklin M. Fisher, Karl Shell, 1972
Metabolic Regulation. Metabolic Pathways
Henry J Vogel, 1971
Subnuclear Phenomena. Part B
Antonino Zichichi, 1970
Perceptual Coding
Edward C. Carterette, 1978
Nonlinear Problems in Abstract Cones
Dajun Guo, V. Lakshmikantham, 1988
Stability and Control of Airplanes and Helicopters
Edward Seckel (Auth.), 1964
The Structure of Mitochondria
E. A. Munn (Auth.), 1974
The Political Economy of U.S. Tariffs. An Empirical Analysis
Réal P. Lavergne, 1983
Theories of Probability. An Examination of Foundations
Terrence L. Fine (Auth.), 1973
Theory and Measurement of Economic Externalities
Steven A.Y. Lin, 1976
Theory of General Economic Equilibrium
Trout Rader (Auth.), 1972
Thrombosis and Bleeding Disorders. Theory and Methods
N.U. Bang, 1971
The Inflammatory Process. Volume 1
Benjamin W. Zweifach, 1974