انتشارات Elsevier Srl

Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man–Machine Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Conference, Varese, Italy, 10–12 September 1985
Jukka Ranta; International Federation of Automatic Control, 1986
Analysis, design, and evaluation of man-machine systems 1988 : selected papers from the Third IFAC/IFIP/IEA/IFORS conference, Oulu, Finland, 14-16 June 1988
Stefanos Kaxiras (auth.), Nicolas Lorente, Christian Joachim (eds.), 1989
Abnormal Formation Pressures: Implications to Exploration, Drilling, and Production of Oil and Gas Resources
Walter H. Fertl, George V. Chilingarian and Herman H. Rieke (Eds.), 1976
Adhesives and Sealants: Basic Concepts and High Tech Bonding
Philippe Cognard (Eds.), 2005
Electrical Circuits with Variable Parameters. Including Pulsed-Control Systems
V. A. Taft (Auth.), 1964
Active Library® on Corrosion. Manual
W.F. Bogaerts and K.S. Agema (Auth.), 1992
Advanced Materials '93. Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing
Shigeyuki Somiya (Eds.), 1994
Fundamentals of Microwave Electronics
V. N. Shevchik and W. A. Gambling (Auth.), 1963
Building Research Policies. Proceedings of a Seminar on Building Research Policies, Organized by the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, with the Swedish Government As Host
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Housing, Building and Planning (Auth.), 1978
Ultrasound for Characterizing Colloids: Particle Sizing, Zeta Potential, Rheology
Andrei S. Dukhin and Philip J. Goetz (Eds.), 2002
Tradition and Change in Swedish Education
L. Boucher (Auth.), 1982
A Ascensão das Multinacionais Brasileiras
Jase Ramsey; André Almeida (org.), 2010
Calculating the Weather: Meteorology in the 20th Century
Frederik Nebeker (Eds.), 1995
Principal component analysis in meteorology and oceanography
Rudolph W Preisendorfer, 1988
The Upper Atmosphere Meteorology and Physics
Richard A. Craig (Eds.), 1965
Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, Volumes 1-6
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Middle Atmosphere Dynamics
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